Gabriel Reyes and Anakin Skywalker have very similar story path


  • Gabriel & Jack become brothers
  • Ana becomes their sister
  • Gabriel, Jack, Ana together as Overwatch agents fight Null Sector and Talon
  • Gabriel becomes Moira’s weapon
  • Gabriel becomes more and more edgy towards Overwatch
  • Gabriel betrays Overwatch
  • Gabriel wears mask, call himself Reaper and doesn’t want to be called Gabriel Reyes anymore
  • Gabriel becomes Talon agent and his goal is to kill all Overwatch agents

Star Wars

  • Anakin & Obi-Wan become brothers
  • Ahsoka becomes their sister
  • Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka together as Jedi knights fight Separatists and Sith
  • Anakin becomes Sheev’s weapon
  • Anakin becomes more and more edgy towards Jedi
  • Anakin betrays Jedi
  • Anakin wears mask, call himself Darth Vader and doesn’t want to be called Anakin Skywalker anymore
  • Anakin becomes Sith knight and his goal is to kill all Jedi knights

I know The Chapter 2 I wrote below isn’t official fiction. But I feel deeply that The Chapter 2 will be smiliar to The Star Wars Original Trilogy as The Chapter 1 is already similar to The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.

Using Talon data Olivia helps Jean-Baptiste to join Overwatch and Jack to get Reaper for which Talon inprisons her. Jesse rescues her. Jack shows up and fights Reaper, so Jesse, Olivia and Ana can escape alive and join Overwatch. Overwatch fights Null Sector’s superweapon while next to Reaper Olivia confronts Doomfist. She redeem Reaper so he kills Doomfist and himself. Overwatch wins.

Who are Ashoka and Sheev?

Sheev Palpatine i.e. Emperor Palpatine (Sheev is his first name). Ahsoka is from their t.v. show.

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https:// starwars. fandom. com/wiki/Ahsoka_Tano
https:// starwars. fandom. com/wiki/Darth_Sidious

Jack has the high ground.


[Gabriel] Don’t underestimate my power.
[Jack] Don’t try it.
No legs, no arms but Gabriel black mess
[Jack] You were Blackwatch! You said you will destroy Talon, not join them! Bring war to the end, not let it go!
[Gabriel] I HATE YOU!
[Jack] You were my brother, Gabriel. I loved you.
[Moira] Reaper. Can you hear me?
[Reaper] Yes, Doctor. Where is she? Is she safe? Is she alright?
[Moira] It seems in your anger you killed her.
[Reaper] I? I couldn’t have. I felt it! NO!


I mean sure, if by similar story paths you mean “they both wear black and are bad guys that were once good guys”. Really, there are just both fallen heroes so in those senses there will be similarities, simply because it’s the same trope. Other than that? uhhh…

Moira is not at all like Palpatine. Anakin’s and Obi-Wan’s relationship is not at all like Jack and Gabe’s. We don’t even know if Reaper betrays Overwatch or if something else happens. We don’t know what his goal is.

I think comparing them because they both had friend groups of certain genders and wear a mask is silly.


"they both wear black and are bad guys that were once good guys”

You generalize it.
Gabriel Reyes is walking the same story path as Anakin Skywalker while in the same time he’s different than him because of universes differences. It’s like adapting Anakin into Overwatch universe.
This is how Gabriel-Anakin look now. They can change Gabriel’s path from Anakin’s later or continue it.
I bet Gerard’s death, Ana’s death, Gabriel’s family and world laws are the hotspots of Gabriel’s behavior change as the same as Shmi’s death, Padme’s death and Jedi laws were the hotspots of Anakin’s behavior change.

The Gabriel laughing of Winston’s playing hero is Gabriel laughing of his old self - saving civils without looking at laws - what Blackwatch was for him. Laws destroyed Gabriel’s honest work so now he’s having fun by making people to feel the pain he feels, when there’s no no-law hero as he was. Gabriel is just broken human as Anakin. Anakin just wanted to have happy family but Jedi laws didn’t allow him to leave Jedi Order. In the meantime he lost his mother and pregant wife by their laws so he decided to destroy Jedi Order.

But you’re generalizing even more. It’s a common trope of a fallen hero and all the similarities you’re listing are a result of that.

Hey, you know who Gabriel is also similar to? General Grievous. They were both leaders and heroes to their people during a period of conflict until they suffered an injury that turned them into a “monster” and now they fight on the side of the “bad guys” trying to get revenge on those they seemed at fault for their fate.

You know, who else? Count Dooku. Once considered great, they become disenchanted with their respective organizations and join the enemy because they believe their previous organization has lost it’s way.

If the parallels are as vague, almost any fallen hero can fit.


Well. Thanks to open my eyes at it.
I don’t know origin of General Grevious. May you tell me?

Great, now every time I play Moira I’ll feel obliged to spout Sheev quotes in the voice chat.

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You can look up “Unknown soldier” online for his backstory. If you’re unable to find it, the backstory is also on Wookiepedia.

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a warlord that resented the republic for supporting someone his people were warring against. canon hasn’t explained how he needed cybernetics (legends/expanded universe had dooku setting a trap, blamed on the jedi/republic furthurmore if i remember correctly, then he just becomes a jedi killer in the four years of the clone wars) viewed his cybernetics as improvements, similar to doomfist, i guess

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