This forum isn’t the community though, not really. The vast, overwhelming majority of the player-base are not participants here. If they listened to these forums, their designs and changes would be outright schizophrenic.
People come here, by enlarge, to complain, and often complain with blatant bias, poor understanding of the game’s intended design, and even a contempt for that very design. A lot of people should’ve done their research before buying the game, but didn’t, and want the game to change for their specific play-style, or the way they want to approach the game, without the consequences of ignoring its basics. These people should’ve been banned for spam years ago.
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okay but was the negative reaction from everyone else anticipated too? cuz i see backlash on reddit, youtube forums AND discord
its not JUST the forums, thats the issue
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TL;DR: “Damage mitigation.”
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Who are they listening to to make the game? Ah yes pros that represent not even 0,000001% of the playerbase, you think pros can’t say none senses and don’t make mistakes?
If pros design the game for themselves, then the game is not for average players since we can’t even play like them.
Pros are used as a stress test for top-down balancing. Since they’re using characters to their utmost potential, it makes sense to balance around their experiences.
You wouldn’t use a low standard of play to base balance around. I would assume people can improve, but I understand not everyone logs on to a game and thinks about what they can do better. Maybe I spent too many years on WoW doing mythic raids and high mythic keys and thats a bias on my part regarding this because I take that mindset and standard into every game I play.
However this does open up the discussion regarding the issue of balancing game balance with having fun playing the game. With this game demanding more of its players, to think tactfully on their choices and decisions, and to have the basics down. The fun factor has always been at odds with how frustratingly hamstrung the individual is by their team, as well as being the weak-link themselves a times, hamstringing their own team.
The game has such a high emphasis on teamwork, that a single person getting picked consistently either because of their bad plays, or just being outplayed, is enough for a whole team to lose.
Maybe if it wasn’t mostly hardstuck players who unironically think genji and doomfist are even semi good and that brig is bad and needs buffs they would take it more seriously
you do know game companies don’t pay the youtubers right? As most of them are lucky to get a free game to review. This is effectively blizz trying to support the community, by giving players an incentive to actually give them money.
This post makes me feel better I just got into the forums but they really are meaningless