From now on your opinions dont matter in the forums

I was quite surprised you came out with that response so bluntly :slight_smile:

yes, it will be

and when the inevitable “mission accomplished” blog post goes up we’ll be able to validate it (as the twitch numbers are public)

I certainly hope it isn’t, because getting us to directly pay your marketing expenses is despicable

and I suspect it’s a harbinger of more bright ideas coming soon…


Right. I actually do infact mean the wording is apt and needed.

Reality is as reality is. Beating around the bush helps no one.

I prefer the approach used as their response.

Give it to me straight. Don’t BS me and muster every ounce of being polite for me. Just say what needs to be said.


It feels real and for that reason alone I like it.

Frankly, if I had his position, there’s no way I’d be nearly as reserved as he is especially around people that don’t particularly deserve it.


CM says : the player base and have pretty well established biases .

Even if dedicated players in the forum try to lower their bias as much as possible when suggesting changes and sharing their opinions , CM still putting everyone in the same bag .
Like myself as an example, I suggested nerfs to heroes I play multiple times and even buffs to heroes I don’t play , CM still calling everyone biased !
Like what are we supposed to do !!
Me and probably alot of people here share our feedback bc we care about OW , and we’re not waiting to get paid for it , it’s just I love OW .
I was planning to share a new topic about nerfs to heroes I main , lol .
I’m disappointed.


Bro not to sound harsh but do you really think your one opinion holds serious weight against a whole balance team and statistics they gather to make these decisions? Im sure they read them sometimes, but if you thought they value that more than raw data, then idk what to say. Big data is what makes companies money and its unbias, opinions not so much…

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No matter how much you try you cannot eliminate your bias. It is simply impossible. These forums as a whole in many cases do not even attempt to.

For example awhile back there was a poll and it showed something like 40% of this forum was Support players 30 some percent were tank and 25ish percent were DPS and lo and behold you see a trend where buffs to Support are always good and buffs to DPS are always bad by the forum hivemind.

We can see that on these forums ANYTHING announced that is new will be met with skepticism and in some cases outright disdain. This is not unique to OW, WoW dealt with the same things to the point where if you used the forums every single expansion was the worst and the previous one was the best and why cant things be like how they were before was what you thought every single time.


backup alarm sfx

…as long as they mirror previous internally discussed and approved processes and conclusions, none of which the playerbase is privy to.


Agreed. This is insane and people are being unbelievably rude.

There’s nothing wrong with the promotion, people are blowing this way out of proportion.


they might have the data but that doesnt mean they’re capable of deriving accurate conclusions from it


I did not mention anything around I have better ideas , I talked about bias .

Not to sound harsh , there is alot of unbalanced parts in the game for over 2 years , and they are still trying and changing things to deliver an almost balanced game to players for 6 years .

It’s not just forum posters they don’t care about. The only players Blizzard cares about going forward are the whales. You can put 10 thousand hours into OW2, but if you never buy a battle pass or a skin they don’t care about you. Greed has taken over and another game is ruined.


True , that’s why I said as much as I can .

Speaking as a “certain kind of player” to me this seems like a bad idea. It’s a cool experiment and I can see why Twitch likes it, it does open new possibilities. Thing is though drops tend to create a giant rush of interest that rapidly declines (look at the OWL viewership just after the keys to the last beta dropped as a prime example) and surely the goal of this campaign is just as much to promote OW on Twitch as it is to promote OW itself.

If a bunch of subs go to small streamers that dry up after this promotion, and big streamers switch off to other games what’s the long term benefit? It’s nice I guess but surely there are better ways forward. I really hope this is the first step in a line of innovation in Twitch interaction as this doesn’t feel like the answer.

If I could throw in my two cents the first thing to do is save this marketing budget for later. Watching OW2 footage so far hasn’t been that great as it all looks undercooked, disjointed and frankly quite poor, like the current state of push is terrible. Thing is it isn’t ready yet, so obviously it looks unpolished and lacking. I get this skin event isn’t the final big push to tempt new and ex-players and is mostly aimed at existing players but I’m not sold on the timing or direction of this marketing campaign.

This may not be the exciting innovative idea but I’d say hold onto the money till we’re nearer launch and a finished game then just pay big streamers directly to play it and be positive about the game. You’ll get your audience attention and market traction during the crucial period in a way we know works with more options to easily continue that relationship long term if it proves worth while.

If you must experiment though there has to be better ways of doing this, tracking long term engagement with multiple streamers through say chat interactions, subs, bits, clips would be better as it’ll cause more long term, fully rounded engagement with the game and streamers. Plus rather than going, BETA KEY DROPS!!! then silence for a month then AHH NEW BIG SKIN AND JUNKERQUEEN STUFF actually pace out the new releases to maintain the hype without needless down periods. How about some part of this campaign lets you earn beta keys you can hand out to Blizz accounts that don’t own OW1, so we can share the experience with friends and maybe convert them to OW2 as well as getting feedback unjudged by OW1. Seems like an obvious one to me. I’m really not sold on this marketing plan and I don’t think it’ll pay off.


Ya this is more of a place to complain… I complain on here…. Only a super small percentage of the player base is on the forums.

Their assessment is accurate.

The developers really should not listen to the forums at all. It only makes the game worse.

They really really should not listen to the forums

Here is why many of us Think that forums do NOT matter.

1 ) The Phone SMS thing for playing Overwatch 2. Needs to go. Taken off the table. period. This will be ABUSED and NOT solve any issues.

2 ) When we did have an active community ask about things that were important to them. It was Mass rez mercy that MANY fans were standing behind the suggestion that they were wanting MR to be retained. Then when league was brought out. It was all about patching THIS game to make viewership and no longer about “us”.

3 ) Players asked for a Change of Match maker to be “FAIR”. and balanced teams. Not stackers vs solos, for ALL matches made across the entire network.

4 ) When there was a request of fixing the SR system for competitive. It was based upon player habits attributing to player play time. So that way new accounts weren’t just banned players picking up another copy of the game for the 100th time, entering competitive from an Overwatch sale. SMS will NOT fix this.

5 ) i think a great deal of would agree that the game DOES need to make money. We expect cosmetics to have a price. Just like WoW has mounts that cost money.

6 ) PC players did ask for Cross play to be OPTIONAL and never received it.

7 ) When there was suggestions for cosmetics and people agreeing to buy them. I think the thought should be at least entertained for the fact that this game IS driven by the fan base to retain its core.


Never listen to blue comments. This has been ongoing for years. It’s a broken record. They repeatedly said they care about streamers and content creators only. Blizz stocks are on a decline according to vwap and it’s funny af


what they don’t seem realise is you can’t synthesise the grassroots groundswell that the first game acheived

overwatch was a completely new take on the class based shooter with a new roster of interesting characters in what we thought would be an expanding universe, from company beloved by nearly everyone

overwatch 2 is an incremental change to an existing game, from a company … well, you know the rest


Streamers should not have to beg Blizzard to be on the ‘special list’ so they can make a living. Blizzard has gone about this backwards. Streamers should not need Blizzard, Blizzard should need Streamers. The reason they can get away with this is because Overwatch streaming is pretty dead, most streamers will tell you to not even consider starting Streaming Overwatch. Blizzard really needs to rethink how they approach these things, we saw the exact same mistakes with OWL and how they killed off Overwatch tournaments.


Honestly its kind of telling for a company to know it was going to generate a negative response, and they just push on through. Makes sense for current Blizzard though, I honestly don’t think there is a company I view more negatively than blizzard currently. EA looks like a saint in comparison at this stage of things.

Guess when you release bundles for Blizzcon that requires people to pay for things they don’t want, you consider that an acceptable that many people will be agitated by it, but who cares, am I right? Spit in the face of your customers, who cares what they think.