From gold to GM, Symmetra one trick

Because he’s not a prick. He gets harassed by pricks. Do you think he is somehow immune to the Sym hate because he’s GM? That isn’t how it works.


He’s really not. He’s a one-trick, but that doesn’t make him a prick.

Wait… Didn’t Stevo already get banned once for doing a bronze to gm stream? In fact, he did multiple.

The way he talks about his teams and to his teammates when they aren’t being remotely toxic to him irks me.

He is in no way the same caliber of toxic that some of the people gets matched with are, but he is also frequently rude, too.

One tricking isn’t the problem IMO. It’s his attitude and the entitlement he has in his tone.

I guess I don’t consider it to be rude, but I think I see what you are saying. Sometimes his tone is a little off when he’s shotcalling and that can be taken as rude. That doesn’t bother me personally. Usually when he is in fact being rude, it’s to people that are asking him to swap off Sym as a scapegoat for the entire team’s failures.

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Aside from the shotcalling, he also talks about his team and slams them off of in-game voice chat. Idk it’s just an entitled attitude.

I disregard the rudeness when he’s being used as a scapegoat, that just isn’t fair to level against him. Outside of that, though, I find him frequently rude.

Wouldn’t call him what the other guy did, but I don’t think as innocent as some people may want to believe he is. I’ve watched numerous streams where his teammates are nice and he’s still copping rude tones with them and saying things like “My team is so stupid”

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The problem with stevo is simply the amount of times he has done this pointless run.,

He is done either bronze-GM ot gold to gm like what 6 times or more? Seriously it’s old stale and totally pointless.

Look some people might find entertainment from watching your favorite streamer curbstomp newbies whatever. Last season I started about 1000 SR below where I normally played on an account that was given to me. It was fun for like 3 games and I was like this is just stupid.

Going 8-1 KDR game after game really gets stupid and boring fast. I dont understand the allure of doing this time and time again unless you hgave serious daddy issues.

There’s no skill in symmetra. Stevo is great, but Symmetra is a garbage character in the wrong role. Streamers and Youtubers do these one trick things all the time.

regardless of all of the controversy around stevo and what he did and did not, i think showing a single player reaching top 500 one-tricking a single hero doesn’t justify anything regarding that hero.

i do think symmetra is skillful, way more than her other iterations, while also requiring way more to “operate” than other dps (because of her low survivability and harsh counters). but showing a person reaching a high rank one tricking her doesn’t prove anything regarding how skillful she is. it proves nothing regarding any hero not just symmetra, that’s because anyone who’s good enough at a hero can reach top 500.

Okay yeah I totally see that lol. He comes off as a little jaded and entitled when it comes to expectations of his teammates. I guess when compared to other notable Overwatch streamers he probably gives a little more attitude than them. I guess I never really payed much attention to it until just now when you mentioned it lol.

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and that ladies and gentlemen, is what we call brainless toxicity.


As I said, hes a prick.

I still wouldn’t go as far as to say that.

That’s not gold to GM. That’s already GM going back to GM. He wasn’t a real gold player who climbed his way up.

You can call it what you like but let’s face it. Symmetra is a garbage character, no place in the role she’s in. You don’t have to admit it, you can even lie to yourself about it. Tell yourself that it’s all just opinion, which it is but compared to alot of other characters Symmetra requires little skill.

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Thats fine. I consider him literally everything wrong with Overwatch, an example of what the worst parts of both the game and community represent.

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I can respect that viewpoint.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t true, unless this was awhile ago, or you were already ranked that high in a previous season. Personal performance stops at diamond now, so even top 500 streamer’s who start new account’s since then have only place diamond. Kabaji has done a few now.

Regardless, Stevo placing gold is way out of the norm, and him being as good as he is, purposefully not playing his best hero is essentially the same thing as throwing. Even a quick google search shows he already got banned for doing these challenges at least once already.

Behavior that would get you banned from most competitive spaces. One of many reasons Overwatch “competitive” is a joke.


i would prefer her as a shield-giving healer and not necessarily the utility-dps that she is now (like torb and sombra) but she is a damage dealer and she is in the right category.

i don’t understand what’s with all this “she requires no skill. brain dead” is it because she has 3 turrets that can be destroyed with a fist? they made her gun a straight beam that requires tracking. there’s absolutely no reason to call symmetra brain-dead. if you think that only because of her turrets it’s clear that you have no idea how the hero works.