From competitive players: a letter to the devs

Yeah Valorant is not a casual game. Overwatch is much more casual friendly.

You do not speak for the competitive community. A community which, mind you, Blizzard focuses on a lot. After all competitive only just got a new game mode last season, and the upcoming changes to S4 with respect to competitive play cement the fact that they actually do care about the competitive scene.

So step down off your high horse before you get saddle rash.

Yes it is. But it seems many more casuals play it rather than so called casual-friendly OW.

Blizzard cares about the competitive community. They just can’t do much for it as they’re still chasing down bugs from launch. Game was a mess of spaghetti code, and they’re still trying to unpack it. It’s what happens when you rush a game to launch.

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I dont know what bubble you live in but Blizzard does NOT focus a lot in competitive. We’ve been having issues non-stop since season 1 and their changes are not well accepted by the community. They only fixed the hard MMR reset from season 1 after my peers in grandmasters complained about the hassle of having to play lower elos to go back to a normal comp game. They did not listen to any of us when we told them the mercy changes won’t change anything because the problem of season 2 as Sojourn not mercy. Nobody asked for more heals on mercy, literally no one.

T500 leaderboard still full of glitches and your true SR rank not being shown is horrible since you can’t see what the homie above and under you are currently ranked.

only just got a new game mode last season

Tell me how many people were prioritizing a new push map instead of them fixing the issues in the game right now. If you find 30 competitive players who were prioritizing the new map last season I’ll give you the cupid hanzo skin. Sure the push map is good for the OWL but thats it, its good for viewers.

I agree with the OP. They do not care about competitive players simply because they NEVER listen to the competitive players, doesn’t matter if you’re a bronze player, a gm player or a big streamer.

Again, get out of your bubble and you’ll understand where the MAJORITY of us are coming from.

Here is proof. Just today. Actually less than an hour ago:


You made a really good point lol the in-game voices still says “I’m on fire” except that we no longer have a “fire”. No cinematics since the overwatch 2 release. Valorant makes a new cinematic EVERY NEW ACT (new competitive season), and they truly don’t have any lore whatsoever. Overwatch had the ability of making a whole show like league of legends if they wanted to based on the amount of lore that we already have/how much ground we have for new development of the story. I just hope things change once Blizzard gets bought by Microsoft (is this even happening?)

Ever since Jeff quit, overwatch just went downhill. They said they were against hard counters but this was more like an opinion rather than a promise. They eliminated cc from brig and cassidy and thought this should be good enough to “eliminate counter picks”.

They also claimed to be against smurfing but they have yet to address the issue in which they derank good players, doesn’t allow them to rank up (it’s a bug in the bug report forum) so they play lower elos and are forced to smurf against their will.

You don’t speak for the community though, and you don’t even have close to a majority opinion, so, how on earth can you know that?

And again with things you can’t possibly know.

New game mode, not new map. For the record, competitive players got CTF 5v5 as a competitive mode last season. Hopefully it’s the first step on CTF becoming a main game mode for unranked as well, because the game needs more modes rather than the three that it currently has.

You’re not a majority though. You’re a minority with an extremely inflated ego.

again, get out of your bubble and just read the forums for at least 10 minutes and see how many people are soooooooooo happy about the matchmaking. Plus all the people who don’t use the forums to complain but are having the same issues.

No? People in GM -and influential streamers- were not complaining about Sojourn, telling the devs that she needed to be nerfed? This didn’t happen? Not sure if you just choosing to be ignorant or if you actually have no clue what happens in the community.

Mercy’s movement got nerfed and they BOOSTED her healing. Nobody asked for that. Mercy mains were complaining about the healing buff, you know, people who play her more than anyone else because it encourages them to healbot and she feels clunky everytime she tries to pistol.

We had those in overwatch 1 so no it’s not “new” mode. If im not mistaken we even had competitive deathmatch. Not sure, don’t play arcade that much.

You got it all wrong. They don’t care about casual players either.

I read the forums a lot, which is why I say you’re in the minority.

Forums represent, at most 5% of a game’s players, and for Overwatch that’s split between competitive players, casual players and others, so your ‘voice’ here isn’t even even a majority of 5%, it’s probably closer to 1-2%

Many people were saying that, not just competitive players and she was nerfed, or did you forget that Sojourn used to be able to snipe players from across the map with her railgun? Now she can’t do that.

Ahahaha, okay stop, stop…

No one complains about being buffed, at least not those with a working brain, especially when that buff was needed since most people were picking mercy for her damage boost and rez, not her healing.

CTF and Deathmatch were modes in Arcade back in OW1 yes, and it still is in OW2. But prior to Season 2, the only options you had if you wanted to play competitive was Role Queue or Open Queue. S2 added a new button ‘5v5 CTF’.

You sure you’re a competitive player? Because I figured anyone who played competitive should have noticed the new button.

5v5 CTF was a seasonal competitive mode. You need to get your things straight before talking dude.

AGAIN: get out of your bubble. Mercy’s kit in higher elo has ALWAYS been dmg boost, movement and rez, healing was secondary. She is a main support (like lucio) vs a flex support (ana that heals a great amount of healing every shot!!11) and if you don’t understand that, then I don’t know why I’m wasting my time with you.

I’m pretty sure they had competitive SEASONAL modes for these games in overwatch 1. Too bad you didn’t play back then and now you think that overwatch 2 is the greatest game of all times.

You’re not reading it then. Try again. A quick Ctrl+F “matchmaking” might help you :slight_smile:

5% of players ranting about matchmaking is still a minority.

And competitive players don’t even have a claim to the entire 5% on these forums. The majority of people posting here are casual players.

Sure now go to the competitive forum and see what the majority of complaints are. Oh, don’t forget to also check the bug report forum as it also shows a great amount of glitches and bugs happening in competitive mode.

bro that’s like infinite ping level of error, but I bet your ping was fine

And the point goes right over your head.

The forums only have, at most, 5% of a game’s player base posting on it. That’s 5% across ALL forums, not just this forum specifically.

The other 95%? They’re just playing the game.

Also, just checked the Competitive forums, there are 3 topics about matchmaking. Just 3 before I have to start scrolling down. Also the most replies a single topic on matchmaking has is… 23 replies (again before I have to start scrolling). So yeah that didn’t sell your point any, in fact it just made the whole ‘minority’ claim even more obvious.

maybe you’re just not intelligent to understand what people are talking about when they say MMR. It’s okay dude. Keep supporting blizzard and pretending that everything is perfect. I’m no longer replying to you because you’re actively choosing to stay ignorant. Have fun in your quick play/arcade games. (oh yes, CTF is no longer a competitive mode woww who would’ve thought it was a seasonal event huh?)

Just don’t forget to keep your clown shoes tied on tight. Wouldn’t want you to trip.

They will ignore your letter too don’t worry. Now if people and Blizzard were willing to admit that half their decisions(5v5, RQ) are in fact terrible for the game then maybe they could fix literally anything or at least try to. As it stands though if those 2 things remain you will never see anything fixed for competitive or otherwise.

They have no choice but to allow stomp level games with extreme elo/SR differences because they don’t have enough players so something has to give here. Either they admit 5v5 absolutely is a mistake and revert things back to 6v6 or they admit both RQ and 5v5 are issues and actually try to balance their game. What everyone seems to not understand is that everything prior to RQ was in fact balanceable and fun for the most part, all they had to do was balance the game they chose not to though. So any decision they’ve made since then was never necessary for the game’s health or anything.

A bonus thing they should do is revert this garbage F2P monetization crap or they can at least halve the annoyance of not getting anything from this game. I understand some comp players don’t care about skins but you won’t get anyone playing your game if you aren’t going to give them better rewards across the board.

I honestly feel like most casual solo players that probably only play QP are also not having a good time. The QP matchmaking is just as bad, or if not worse, than comp matchmaking.