From avid sym player. I want to know why

She doesn’t even sould close to how she was before she sounds like a worse version of zarya and the worser parts of what was left. I am normally the kind of person to let things go by untill it is over but this is just too much . I get it’s a rework but still this isn’t the hero I love to play anymore I don’t want the builders in this game to be a forgotten role but this isn’t even the same thing like if she has 4 or 5 turrets I would have been fine but 3 so in other words I have one to cover a choke one to cover the flank and one to cover her ult that’s just useless at that point and her gun is impressive at least but I wish the haddnt getting rid of the lock on like if it was a little bit I would be fine but now I might as well be playing zarya

Forum Moderator Note: Title edited as Blizzard Callouts are against the forum guidelines.


i wanna c [Edited by Blizzard]…

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

i only saw the turret buff thing i have no clue what they’re talking about.

It is literally the thread right next to this one with the Blizz mark on the icon.

Here is the link the link though:

photon barrier is the ult tho?
a barrier as an ult??? will it like cover the whole map or what omg

Sym now has only three turrets each one combines the effectiveness of 2 and her gun no longer locks on but has more range and more dmg and her projectile is now a explosive . From the eyes of a sym player you want more turrets to cover flanks and prevent pushes and you want the lock on to deal with the faster targets in the game and those with mobility which there is a lot of hero’s with that and her projectiles were amazing because they pierced shields and enemy’s to build up ult charge and weaken enemy’s pushing in to you choke

really? mine only killed rein and orisa
hell even from the other side these were mostly an annoyance, from all the games ive played i think ive only been killed 5 times by an orb
i have 50+ hours on sym btw

They are great if you take notes of places with high traffic try to just these on the right side of anubis point a and on eichewald you can ult in no time if you also partner up with junkrat to cause a distraction