From a 43 years old gamer, HEY Blizzard listen

lol this all sounds like problems with the players not blizzard.

Are you saying you want Blizzard to institute some sort of Mind Control mechanic to force people to act properly?

Yeah, so much this.

Agreed! Very much agreed. A mode with rewards for winning and no penalty for losing.

Any ideas on the rewards? I have some!

  • Lootboxes
  • XP boosters
  • In game currency (to buy whatever cosmetics you always wanted and never got)
  • Apply to earn skin recolors (rares, not epics) They have only added 4 recolors for each hero, but there are plenty of colors available I’d love to see on them.
  • Color skins for weapons (rare or epics)
  • Comp points (not as many as regular comp reward)

I hope they really do at least the game mode, please, take care of casual players.

Hah look at all these responses thinking their logic is going to heal this game by helping your gameplay. They can’t face reality this game will never improve due to how playerbase is and developers bad balancing for the game.

For Overwatch it’s coming from both sides.

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I don’t understand why you need something inbetween. If you want to play casually you do QP. If you want to play seriously you do comp. If you want to play semi-seriously, just play comp. What’s the problem with that?