From a 43 years old gamer, HEY Blizzard listen

play quick play in LFG

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I’d bet 16 tops…

This was all here since the beginning. You’re just getting tired of the game. Take a break for a bit and come back to it


Have you tried telling them to group up, so you’d be stronger together? It works for me.

Heck, at your age (I’m 48 myself) your voice alone should be enough to make them listen.

In my experience, I learned that most players will usually respond well to nice suggestions.

Like defending in Route 66: “guys, if we shoot from the top of the roof of the gas station, we will have a free field of fire and cover, while they will have a hard time hitting us”.

Or “we’re coming to help you [insert name of player that is too far forward], see if you can team with us!”.

Or attacking in Anubis: “Are you confident we can pass the choke with triple sniper (Widow, Hanzo, Ana)?”

Also, praise them for nice plays when they do them. It’s small things like those that make teamwork a lot easier.

I also had my share of 5 DPS and me as Mercy… and we often win (I suspect when this happens my DPS were all smurfs. If they’re confident with the lineup, I’ll trust their judgement).

That said, how do you play Tracer at your age? O.o

(I tried, and all I get is very dizzy and sick when I recall. I’d be deep bronze if I mained her.)


I remember once when I was maybe plat. I graved to get my team on point and then they went chasing off after something and left me on Volskaya 1st point trying to cap by myself.

2 of the enemy were still there… I was on point so long by myself that enemy respawns came back and I built another grav off them.

I still have no idea what my team was doing?

Of course we lost. I was done for a while after that game.

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Continuing the discussion from Welcome to General Discussion - Please Read!:

This against rules.

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Look who’s talking, you’re the most childish person on this site.


Watch a mean dog…

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I know you find it funny, but literally everyone else is cringing when they see the reused bait posts.


You sound upset about something. I’d go figure out what that is if I were you :slight_smile:

You troll every day, you can do better than this.
Try harder.


I do not troll. I also cant make you agree with me. Theres no point in trying to find a middle ground. Have a nice night.

You do understand that your post history is 100% visible to everyone, right?


Of all that stuff you listed, people are 100% the problem but you’re blaming Blizzard and OWL. You want Blizz to hold everyone’s hand or force certain gameplay? They probably could but it’s pathetic they would even have to. Regardless, it’s a people problem isn’t it.

The main issue is no one takes responsibility: for their actions or for correcting people’s mistakes in a way that isn’t hostile. Blizzard doesn’t need to implement flashing red text to tell someone to do something, you can do it.

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half of what you listed is just playerbase problem… lol, but sure blame blizzard.


Yeah there are some real issues here with this game that has forced it down-hill. TBH I can’t always play at my best. But that is why I play Quick play if I am going to zone-out. Smurffs have set me down the path of “why try”. When individuals trickle in. It’s the sign of defeat.

I Can’t say that I haven’t been in those days myself. But sometimes I just feel there needs to be a few revisions so If I want to CHILL, I can. and for the days I care to play good and compete. They need the ability to FILTER OUT those types of people that engage in Competitive mode.

There really needs to be some mode changes with .

“Casual I don’t care mode”
“Quick Play, im going to try and play really good mode”
“Competitive NON smurff mode”.

This game SERIOUSLY needs a competitive over-haul, which adjusts for player quality. There are TOO many smurff accounts on here which have done nothing for the game. They are people that claim to “want to try something out” in competitive and if it doesn’t work. Other people’s accounts have to suffer for their actions.

Solo killing 3 enemies and then dying means jack if you are trickling on to point or the payload. Because you are not grouped up.

So often for instance we will get almost teamwiped and our junkrat/genji/Dva will ult and get maybe a lucky 3k followed by their death.

Yippee well done, this means that we will get to point at about the same time as those 3 enemies you killed, good job. We could have maybe used that ult in the upcoming teamfight.

This happens both ways though, enemy pharah will pop in and ult after we wipe out the rest of her team, maybe get a couple picks but without support just gets picked off herself.

Why?? To get a solo POTG but lose the round/match for your entire team??


lol this all sounds like problems with the players not blizzard.

Are you saying you want Blizzard to institute some sort of Mind Control mechanic to force people to act properly?

Yeah, so much this.