Friendly Dva player

I just had a fun quickplay match on Lijang Tower. We didn’t win, but the enemy Dva was so hekkin’ wholesome that I couldn’t even be mad.

She’d zoom over to me just to say “hi” and do emotes! My team tried shooting at her a few times while she visited, but most of them stopped after I cut my beam off and whacked them with my staff while spamming “No!”

At one point, she accidentally killed me when she launched a nuke at our Doomfist (he never got the hint that she was friendly and had been killing her all match). I could tell it was accidental, because she immediately searched out where I’d fallen, used the “sorry” comm several times over my body and then yeeted herself off the map.

That one incident aside, being “adopted” by an enemy Dva was an overall fun experience. I got to show off my emotes and we put up sprays on the wall together :heart: Dva mains are the best.


I do the same if everyone else in the lobby doesn’t give a care. I become the local friendly neighborhood Bastion


DVa players are so nice. I dont know how they manage to keep sane after all these years


Hey, thats my job!

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Too bad it’s my job now :sunglasses:

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I see how it is now…

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We could always queue no limits

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no, that mode is awful

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Hmm that’s a bad take on the forums, I better flag you because that’s just how we roll here

(Disclaimer I did not and will not flag this)

Total mayhem is the best mode

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Yes especially when nobody picks sombra

Exactly. WP: G is my favorite map to play it on

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Haha see that’s the thing, we don’t XD
I voiceline spam not to annoy, but that’s all I hear inside my head so I have to. “Lol Lol Lol HUEHUE”

You get hooked and rocked on the head one too many times and you’ll end up like us.

I literally put my sensitivity so high on D.Va and booster everywhere to make myself known.

QPC or QP?

That may have been me :joy: :sweat_smile:

Dear Mercy mains:

Beware the D.Vas looking to attract. You’re gonna fall for us!
Beware the D.Vas chasing you down. You’re gonna die to us!

If I can be so bold:
I confess pursuing
Mercy never gets old.

And killing you breaks my heart
because it means we had to part.

I really do love you all!

–A D.Va OTP with a maxed BNet friend list, 1 in 4 being Mercy mains.


(Line spamming dvas are the scum of the earth.)

scoff scoff scoff SCOREBOARD.

That’s a creative way to use Regular role

Many of the images from the Overemoji Cafe thread still work, even though it shut down long ago:

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