Free weekend bs

Just throwing it out but are these free weekend people allowed to play ranked( only asking cause I’m a lone wolf that usually does pretty well) but not tonight all seem to know only one toon * shakes head* so if so thanks blizz( sarcasm)

No, you can only play ranked if you buy.


??? why do ppl think free weekend players can play comp

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even if you could you’d have to grind to level 25 in like two days

No they have to buy the game before they’re allowed to

This is always broguht up…

They don’t have access to the ranked play until they buy it.

Calm down, child.

nope. free weekends cant play comp. go somewhere else to whine

Sry I’m no kid was just asking I’m getting groups I don’t play well with then. That was all

I imagine like all other things in the world, you don’t know something until you learn it.

Yea I work and redoing a house been on game longtime never played during free weekend so to piss those off that play more then me

Learned something yea those that don’t work spent today thinking there good brought the game and got into ranked sry all you naysayers. I’ve had to tank and heal as. Zenyatta multiple times, glad to have new players but learn ever character before you jump into rankef