FPS Drop after Brigitte update

This isn’t a CPU Bottleneck, Unless your CPU is pinned at 100% at all times which isn’t true games are GPU Limited the only thing your CPU does is calculate locations , run physics and bullet simulations and load data into your ram of course theres other things that the game does.

in order to fix this issue try :
In WINDOWS run this command as admin and restart your computer go straight into bios and disable HPET , This Command will delete high precision event timer from launching on start up by disabling it from the Boot Configuration Data (Windows)


bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock

The Opposite of this command is :

bcdedit /set useplatformclock true

So if this fails to fix the issue go ahead and run the /set command then restart the computer go into bios and reset it back on, that way you have a way to start out normal.

This game currently has an issue with computers “System Hardware Timers” and Prioritizes uses HPET which is a compatibility timer over RTC(Real Time Clock with a battery inside your pc) and your CPU’s TSC (Time Stamp Clock) The Problem is with HPET is it runs absolutely horrible with this game for some strange reason and is meant for keeping more accurate time in case any of those other functions fail such as on server use this fixed all the issues i was having i hope it fixes yours.