Forums are getting stale

I hope so too, I have tons of niche YTP I want to post.

I got a topic really spicy being cooked up for Brig once her nerfs go live

People will marvel at my dedication, creativity, and pure salt, just wait


Do we need to bath in controversy every day to have a good discussion about the games issues?

just wait for roadhogwatch :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well sadly when the games stale the forum will follow.

Challenge accepted

You think I can’t screech? That your salt holds any salt to mine?

Tch. We shall see


People are rude as hell on here I’m glad the toxic ones are gone. I’ve cut my hair because of this joke going around

Balance threads are the absolute worst threads this place has to offer.

It’s a shame that they take up 3/4 of the forum.

If the current one goes through as-is, expect a blow out on here quite frankly, and then a second when the inevitable nerfing of Sym follows as high level players whine about her.

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How do people on the forums know what your hair looks like?

I don’t know but THEY KNOW

It’s like an inside joke or something, the people I play with are weird AF. They might have searched me up

Oh, I see what’s going on here, alright.

Forums will get hot again with Roadhog ohkoing.

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—Hog mains (2020)

And by hog mains I mean me

I’m the kind of hog main that watches astrophysical content on youtube, instead of meme videos. Though, I do enjoy a good meme video.

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I enjoy some astrophysical content as well, thank you!

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Yeah I remember that thread of yours lol. Still commend you for the writeup

What are we supposed to talk about, the weather? Not much is going on, nothing new with events, no new heroes, same old formula being repeated for balance changes… I’m a bit tempted to make a thread were the “old guard” share clips and plays from the game’s infancy, could be interesting to see the changes.

I just really like brig and her addition to ow. To think about I mean. But I will say salt is funnier imo

No one liked my pre 222 brig defense

But it’s also less mess because it’s easier to keep my head about things I like :kissing: and no one likes that. Only salt!

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It’s been unusually stale for a while now. Not sure what it is.

Past content droughts haven’t had this much of an effect, and people would still make all manner of random threads to compensate, and we’re not really seeing it here.

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