Forum tricks? What are others?

So now that I’m trust lvl 3, I’d like to learn about the cool things people can do on the forums

I know about this

I can do this
this too

But what else is there?


Two useful threads I’ve kept bookmarked for this sort of thing. Between the two of them they have most of the tricks of the trade.


I like how Dr4gon97’s thread is a true guide - nicely formatted and with a lot of thought and care put into it.

Then there’s mine… which looks like some kid ate a bunch of playdough and barfed it up on the forums. :rofl:


But can you do this?

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Yes, we can.

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I was expecting Bob The Builder

Level 2 peasant here

You can also post Gifs, can you guys also do video links like youtube?

Yes. Yes we can.

I’m in school and all youtube videos are blocked, but i can link the website.


very nice, level 4 must be “turn into Geoff”

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Hmm, let me see :thinking:

now tell me
what you need to be level 3
i saw someone have less than 100 likes
so its not like based

Can you do this?

I’m sorry, this was the first thing that popped into my head😂


The two biggest factors appear to be days visited needing to be 50, and posts read being in the ball park of 20k. It’s mostly just guesswork, though. I don’t think they’ve released the specifics on that sorta thing.

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well then
with every level 3 user we get closer to the answer
9k more posts to read to find out

This is done by doing <words>

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This is also something we can do. Don’t worry though, it’s not lvl 3 exclusive