Forum "getting your point across" tutorial

He lost the Yang to his Yin.

Because he couldn’t simply name his thread “I Quit”, No, He just had to add his name to the title. Very vainglorious. Plus he threatened to quit at least twice in the past already, and he never went through, he was always back. Hypocrisy is something that I cannot stand, and it is oddly popular in this forum.


I must admit, I did think that when I saw his post too.

The game is addictive, perhaps he was trying to get the attention of the devs to see that their balance decisions are infuriating people? Especially popular people in the community.

Mei neither.

Though I’m not sure whether he was purposefully being hypocritical or whether it’s just how the situation turned out.

This video sums up American Politics in it’s entirety.

“Glory Glory, mercy mains are best and need massres” how2gitgud_at_forum starterpack.

Oh oh you mean Richard?

I give up

True. I can confirm not doing this is a bad idea.

  • Makes thread asking for advice relating to competitive

  • Gets buried with no replies by Mercy revert threads, anti-Mercy revert threads, the classic hate threads directed at one of the 3 hero roles.

Make sure to either target a hero main, or a whole role if you’re feeling daring.

I’m not insulting him or anything. But since we are talking about what makes a thread popular on this forum, it is well-known by now that most threads related to that aforementioned individual will certainly pass the 100 replies threshold.

Maybe it is @Reaper himself? What a hypocrit

REINHARDT main. Do I look like a Reinhardt main to you?

Who cares. If he is gone, then fine, if not, then whatever. I’m pretty sure he tried quitting the game once (not twice) and that was due to Sombra’s hack going through Reinhardt’s shield. Then Blizzard talked with the Pro’s and they knee jerked nerfed her while giving her bugs by not running her on the PTR first. Which “that aforementioned individual” said that Blizzard was wrong to go about nerfing Sombra without utilizing the PTR first.

What is kinda hypocritical is your own personal forum fame is founded on you ROLEPLAYING Reaper (not in all, but some, just like the guy you so heavily get worked up about). I mean, if that’s not hypocrisy I don’t know what is.

So what if he quit, or not. He isn’t worth obsessing about. I’m not sure why you even bring him up as much as you do.

You just need to add LGBT and ir Will get flooded with people , mostly disagreeing with you , but man it Will get thousends or responses

Yeah, No. If you had read some of my previous posts, I clearly stated that I respect Reaper way too much to roleplay as him, and i am ashamed of having this username (I actually had it before Overwatch was even announced, I just liked the concept of a wraith in fantasy settings).

So what if he quit, or not. He isn’t worth obsessing about. I’m not sure why you even bring him up as much as you do.

I am not obsessed, far from it, don’t get the wrong message. I am just saying that threads about him are usually very popular. Which is what this thread is about.

The whole forum idols thing is something that makes me scratch my head. Some people truly see themselves as celebrities here, and others still, revere them as such. Meanwhile, I hardly look at names when I read and reply to posts, and even if I do, I don’t remember most. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m arguing with someone in one thread and agreeing with everything they say in another thread and at no point do I realize it’s the same person. :laughing:

He’s well known, but he isn’t really that popular or famous. He isn’t going to get hundreds of responses to a thread he makes or the people giving him shout outs for being an awesome person.
There is a difference between getting recognized and getting idolized.

Yeah, Actually, I was unjustly flamed a few days ago, so…

I am just pointing out the truth. You cannot blame for that. Is it not a fact that threads related to that famous Reinhardt mains are some of the most popular… and controversial… threads in the forum? Yes, Of course it is a fact, You can find the evidence by using the Search bar.

The only reason why “that guy” was so stupidly famous is because he made that tank main thread: Overwatch Forums and the Lead Dev was stupid enough to respond to it. And then day one of these new forums. the same dev responded to his first post calling him out by name: I Pledge to Honor You All - #38 by JeffreyKaplan

So if anyone is to blame for this guy gaining fame or being idolized it’s that one dev.

Just mention XQC in your post you’ll have sjw’s spamming it.

Put “mercy mains stop asking revert” on the title. That’ll attract so much people like moth to a flame.

Okay I’ve got a tutorial

  1. Don’t Insult the devs
    Berating, insulting, being sarcastic or condescending towards them will never give you a response.
  1. Spamming
    Repeatedly saying the same phrase, sentence, point or thread will never get you a response and will probably get you flagged and suspended.

  2. Im Quitting
    You know you won’t, just list your opinions without resorting to your clickbait title.

P.S. Don’t end your posts with signatures, it just makes you sound pretentious.

We’re not making a tutorial for how you get your post to disappear into the void. We’re making a tutorial on how you get people to read your thread. That doesn’t mean that the opposite of what you just wrote should be practice, or that the things you listed are wrong. It just means that people don’t read posts if you’re too sensible.

If you want your thread to be viewed, put a controversial title or something that you know people will grab popcorn for. Instead of putting your title as “Moira should be harder” put it as “Moira is for noobs and needs to be harder”