Former GM players in diamond being matched against mid plat?

The OP wasn’t talking about Match Making, he was talking about Comp Rank.

In comp MMR has no affect on who you play with or against ONLY SR does.

The only time MMR has an affect is when you are doing your placements, or you play any other mode EXCEPT comp.

It really does affect t after placements. When I was 3400, I had a Plat/Gold duo on my team. The plat had formally been 3800. If he were to have decayed and lost 10, the average SR of him and his gold would have been 3400.

If I hop on at like noon I have a chance of getting diamonds

Wrong. Let’s say I place next season and get 3800. If I take a break and let my SR decay to 3000 and play in competitive, I will still be in 3800 SR games regardless of my SR. This is because I am paired off of my MMR, not my SR.

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We know that the game changes in some respects from diamond up. It’s possible that the matchmaking system weights certain factors differently, or includes some information that otherwise wouldn’t be used in matchmaking, when your SR is over 3k.

No, this has been tested and proven multiple times over, along with being backed up with what blizzard has stated.

Probably them being a boosted act is most likely.

If you play at off hours (not peak), you end up seeing the boosting 3 stacks more frequently. And the people they boost WILL fall if they play without boosters carrying them.

Klix has to be trolling. Nobody can believe so many things which are demonstrably incorrect. Flagged.

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they are. they’re pretty useless past your first season, to be completely honest.

They don’t. Placements can have much less movement than actual games during a season or on the flipside if the system is less certain, you can have some pretty wild swings. I had a placement where I moved all of 20 points higher for a net positive of 3 games. that would be something like 6 sr a game, which you would never see outside of placements excluding the bug when leaving a game after a leaver.

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