Forced Winrate is Semantics

I’ll say since it’s, based on your tone, confirmed to exist, it’s 100% in OW2 0 doubt based on Activision’s history. Yes there’s no more Blizzard, I said it.

It did exist in one of CoD games, but people started calling out Activision on it, so I am unsure, if they introduced it in OW2.

As it would be literally buying tickets to your personal hell, when game actively puts non-paying players on you team, due to your having premium skins. In other words, same issue CoD encountered with it, just worse.

At least they promised, that they never used it:
http s://

So it’s up for debate, if it’s currently in use or not.

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Stomps happen even in a fair system, we discussed this already. 1000 SR gaps can happen too because of premades. Matchmaking isn’t perfect. None if this requires a conspiracy to explain it. Occam’s razor - everything can be explained with the simplest theory that the matchmaker is just matching by MMR as best it can.

I’ll tell you the actual reason the queue times are good - the game has a lot of players. Queue times in OW1 were always good in times of peak activity. It’s only because players refuse to accept this possibility that they must turn to much more complicated conspiracy theories.

Irony is that people in charge also know about Occam’s razor. If I were doing shady things, I would make them explainable by unrelated, simple things.

For example, there is patent about manipulating hitboxes in game to alter game experience. Even if that would actually happen, everyone would just blame it on lag, poor connection, “you just bad get gud” and other similar explanations. It’s not like someone would be able to get inside game code to check, what happens, since from outside everything indeed will look like network troubles or poor aim.

Paraphrasing “just because you don’t have paranoia, doesn’t mean you aren’t being watched”, just because you assume something to be a conspiracy, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

You said low golds to top 500 in one game. Let’s be clear, were these their current ranks in the roles they were playing that game? Was it Comp or QP?

You are being given a choice between two possible explanations. One of them is very mundane and completely normal. The other one is a wild conspiracy theory with many malicious actors covering it up. Why do you even entertain the latter?

Because it’s expected from me to pick simplest explanation. People do love simple explanations to everything, but it doesn’t make such explanations correct at all times.

The amount of irony in this paragraph is actually unbelievable

I thought I was clear, I apologize if I wasn’t, but in comp (I only play comp), and yes their current ranks.

Edit: Besides these forums, this very same scenario has been mentioned multiple times in this reddit topic (and many others during the past few weeks, not to mention various streamers pointing out the same thing):

Is it possible there really is a conspiracy? Sure, a broken clock is right twice a day. But it is not worthy of the level of consideration you’re giving it. Just accept the obvious explanation and move on, it’s better for your mental health. What’s the worst that can happen if you’re wrong?

I like to know full picture, so I am not disregarding any explanation, just because it’s not simplest one.

It’s how it was in science, for instance, when at first people assumed diseases to be caused by “bad air” and called anyone, who suggested, that some tiny living organisms may be to blame, crazy. It also looked simple enough - person was near rotting dead body and got sick, so it’s definitely “bad air”.

Alright, well i’m done with this conversation if we’re just gonna blatantly lie lol.

What are peoples opinions on only 5 stacking in comp. Different groups also. Would it be easier or the same difficulty in climbing as solo queue

How’s that saying go, “Real life is stranger than fiction.”

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It is absolutely the truth, I distinctly remember logging in on the first day of every event and seeing unusually fast queue times in every role.

That’s what would be called outliers. There’s a reason so many people are logging in during those specific times. You know, for events. Those aren’t normal, or even peak for that matter.

If you want to investigate it more deeply, go right ahead. But the process you’re using is not at all scientific. You’ve formed a theory based on nothing concrete, only the feelings and hunches of strangers. Confirmation bias is causing you to take all sorts of bad faith arguments at face value.

Big companies do shady/illegal things all of the time, all over the world, in pursuit of money. Many “conspiracies” are proven to have been true as time passes. It isn’t a wild conspiracy for people to assume that Activision/Blizzard has designed their matchmaker over a period of over a decade over multiple games to drive increased engagement, and therefore increase their mau to show in their reports for investors (which also leads to increased in game sales). I would posit that it’s in fact way more likely for this to be the case rather than making a “fair” matchmaker, as their number one goal above all is to make money. A fair matchmaker would put people at the same rank versus one another and let people rise and/or fall dynamically, along with increasing staffing/looking at statistics to moderate people throwing and then smurfing repeatedly. It also wouldn’t put new players in Gold alongside players with thousands of hours, causing them to ruin hundreds of games until they reach their actual skill level.

The first day of an event is absolutely peak activity, why would it not be? What I’m saying is that this is hard evidence of some causation between high player numbers and fast queue times. What other explanation is there?

Funny enough i’m pretty sure there’s an interview somewhere from the development of ow1 where they were discussing how this was ultimately the plan, but they had some backlash from the amount of people who wanted a solo queue experience, being the majority of the potential player base.

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