Forced Winrate is Semantics

Holy f… if that is true, this matchmaking is a mess.
noone doubts blizz/activ got way to greedy and left behind their greatness in games but THIS would kinda make it obsolete to play at all since this is a team- and skillbased competitive game even for casuals who are not able to carry but can do good on decent teams.

do you assume this counts for ranked only or even non-ranked?

This same matchmaker system almost certainly exists in quickplay as well; one person in this thread even went so far as to claim it only exists in quickplay. If it is present in quickplay, the most significant difference between quickplay and ranked would likely be the removal of max 1000 SR difference between players that is present only in ranked matches.

Matchmaking is certainly a mess, at least for the players. It is likely that it is functioning exactly as intended relative to the objectives of Blizzard/Activision.

That’s how it goes, unfortunately. If they’re getting push back, then it had to be true. No one would bother arguing if it were false!

Once they fall in there’s no getting out, either. And then they can start to justify everything by referring to times where things were legitimately fishy.

“[bad thing] happened there, so why wouldn’t it happen here?”

Sometimes it goes further;

“[bad thing] is potentially possible, therefore it must be happening”

Then you have people who actually have a background in maths or game dev say “it would take X more effort and money to rig the system instead of just making a basic system that provides the same outcome” and the other side just ignores it.

I don’t doubt some dude has done a paper on “are gamers more likely to keep spending money if I play the words ‘buy more skins’ backwards on repeat in the menu”. And I don’t doubt some exec would buy that up like a fat kid and cake. You still have to prove they’re playing ‘sniks erom yub’ in the menu and not just trot out the usual “well, they’re a for profit company and my financial analysis says this would be a huge success, so if Blizzard is smart like me they would also come to this conclusion!”

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Zek is literally on every one of these posts denying 50-50 exists don’t even respond to him he’s just a troll.

It tries and it fails hard that’s why there are so many one sided stomps . You need to stop being in denial the game and match making is god awful and what’s worse is really your logic / critical thinking skills

This . When you go on a win streak you also start going on a lose streak with leavers / feeders etc. It’s guaranteed. This is the denier’s definition of “fair matchmaking”

Wrong . Overwatch has a longer runway for getting to your “true rank” compared to other games like starcraft counterstrrike etc. For those games you will play 20 games, in overwatch you will play 100 games to get to your true rank.


nah im… learned alot from what Zek saying in this thread
my conclusion:

  • currently SR is just a useless facade that slowly follows your hidden MMR
  • in alot of situations SR and MMR are very similar numbers
  • after win/losestreak MMR is changed alot faster than SR
  • matchmaker uses MMR to assemble players
  • because of that after winstreak we matched with alot stronger players than our current SR
  • and after losestreak we matched with alot weaker players than our current SR
  • as sideffect lucky winstreaks sometimes put lowrank players in unwinnable(for thier current skill) matches… reversed sideeffect with losestreaks
  • matchmaker does all this to have fair(50/50) matches alot earlier than you can naturally climb with only SR

correct me if im wrong somewhere =)

Mostly yes, to be clear this is how it worked in OW1. SR was the one that changed after every win/loss for player psychology reasons, while MMR was more stubborn. They have a concept of confidence in your current MMR - if they’re very confident, your MMR won’t change much with each game, because they know people don’t actually get better or worse that quickly. If you start dominating then they’ll become less confident and may make faster adjustments if you keep it up.

I don’t know for sure if SR is still separate from MMR in OW2, since they’ve hidden the numbers and never commented on it since. It could be they are just using MMR now. It’s also a mystery how much personal gameplay stats play into it, but they have said that the system compares your stats to typical stats for that hero, with the objective of making faster adjustments if someone is obviously over- or under-performing.

Source: What Scott Mercer and Jeff Kaplan SAID about MMR

I’ve experienced this, mainly in stomps where I have lost. Can’t seem to hit a thing.

I was not suggesting otherwise. Your desire to look for conspiracy theories where there are none is interesting.

Certainly ranked play.

Unranked play appears to be more balanced, but I have only had about 10 games unranked so not definitive.

We have to exclude possible lags or unstable internet connection first, before assuming, that such manipulation takes place. If you can, check ping and stability of connection to server, whenever you experience such event.

Lag is excluded; on the rare occasions that I get lag, it has noticeable effects such as rubber banding or I get kicked out of a game.

No, this is where you are aiming right at the middle of the chest, press fire and - health doesn’t go down. Movement and non-aggressive actions aren’t affected.

It doesn’t happen often, but I have seen it enough times to know that it is happening.

In the old days I’d put it down to a weird glitch. Now we know what the patent says, it might not be a bug, but a feature.

Question for you.

Why is MMR not a public figure; why is it hidden?

Surely when using a SBMM, publishing the MMR would not be an issue? After all, everyone will be in a fixed band around a central point.

When something like that is hidden, one has to wonder why. Indeed, if you employ an EOMM, then the number MUST be hidden as if it were visible people would soon be able to see objectively that the games aren’t balanced.

Indeed, so much match information is now hidden, you really have no idea who you are playing with (or playing against).

Official explanation is that less information = less toxicity.

Ladies and gentleman this is the Overwatch forums in a nutshell.

The tinfoil hat man literally vomiting out conspiracy theories with every single post is confused at how people see conspiracy theories in every single one of his posts. This is the nonsense of these boards.

Guys I hate to break it to you, there are no conspiracy theories here. You are just bad, that is why you can’t climb. Get better you will climb. Its that simple.

And enter the guy whose only comment is ‘gitgud’.

What a surprise.

Here’s the thing. Zek has, at least, tried to argue his point well. I believe that he is wrong, but at least he has articulated his point well had has tried to convince me that I am wrong.

The best you can come up with is ‘gitgud’.

Can I have Zek back please? At least there is a conversation to be had there.

Git gud vs. They are manipulating hit boxes so I can’t hit my shots

The mental gymnastics you guys play.

There’s a patent discussing exactly that.

Do you have an excuse for everything you are bad at?

I find it amazing that these types of excuses only come from bad players. Weird that the best players in the game with the best aim dont complain about it…

I suspected it to be caused by hitbox rigging as well, until someone posted about a fix that had to do with obsolete windows registry entries for the game. I haven’t experienced these issues since I did it so I recommend trying this fix for yourself. I am also trying out if matchmaking improves when closing the game after 2-3 consecutive losses. Only a few days into it and right now the first 2 games of the day are better quality than before, but I still get thrown into stomps after those. Hoping for more improvement soon.

50% is the ideal matchmaker, I don’t understand how people think it’s a bad thing.
If you have a high enough winrate you are going to face better players in unrated and comp, that will naturally lower your winrate to 50