Forced losses ruin ranked

Lets put a gold on a GM account. The matchmaker will manipulate the teams so that the gold has next to no chance. But that is not because of tinfoil, but that is because it thinks its a GM player. And the gold will drop really fast, because the gold cant keep up and will be in “nearly unwinnable” games, not because of matchmaker, but because of the player it self. So it is natural.

People shame those guys because they make extraordinary claims without evidence. If you look streamers for example, many have done bronze to GM and now when its bannable they do unraked to GM. Why cant we see these forced losses? Because they havent reached the rank where they belong yet so the keep rolling. I have multiple accounts as well, before role q I didnt wanna F my main by playing heroes I never play but I wanted to learn them. Placed nearly 1k lower, but never seen such. All the evidence I have seen just points out that there is no such thing as forced losses. For example j000mla did bronze to GM before blizz told they are gonna take action for those kind of content creators and he went something like 40 wins before first loss. Wow such forced losses. Same happens today, content creators win until they climb out of the much lower tiers they belong and the chance for them to lose goes up significantly and isnt something low as 1-5%.

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Ok so what just happened to me the last 5 games (after my 8 game losing streak).

  1. Win-stomp as usual after the streak ( all diamond)

  2. Lose- close even match humm (all diamond) tracer went ham on us.

  3. Win - stomp (all diamond)

  4. Loss - even (McCree went ham on us) all diamond

  5. Win - even (mix of 2 Masters and 3 diamond) on both team. We lost first round our dps swapped off widow to McCree and it was the difference. Maybe he was just trying widow or something. He easily handled doomfist and reaper on other team.

Honestly this is an outlier got a 5 game set. I could only wish all my game played out like this set of games. Usually not this competitive.

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But you said its broken and forced losses are real? Didnt you just contradict your self?

Bro this happens in real life let alone video games. In tennis we call it stacking the draw. Tournament directors are known to do this all the time for whatever reason. It only flips if you are the person they stacked it against and you flip the draw.

Now everyone else is mad saying player X clearly should have been a higher seed and those matches should not have happened until the semi finals.

But trust player X had to overcome hella odds to pull this off. Most time they don’t. Tournament keeps rolling with or without you lol. I laugh but it’s not funny.

Nor is this bad matchmaker system blizzard has in OW.

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So the thing that you want to ask yourself is what exactly does having a clan provide over solo queue?

If one were to propose that question to me, it is that with a clan you have a ruleset that everyone must abide by. You specify the playstyle within the clan and you are able to get organized play. Perhaps clan A is a keep Reaper alive at all costs clan. That means that clan A’s top priority is keeping the Reaper alive and providing the support he needs to succeed.

This is something that you guys can’t do in game now why? When I hop into a match, I do this exact thing. As a support, watch for who’s going for the opportunity and make sure the DPS/whoever is out of position the help that they need. If I miss healing someone right behind me that was at 1hp for 10s straight and they get frustrated, I’ll tell them hey I’m blind sorry about that just spam I need healing or to put your mic into your mouth and yell for healing. As a DPS, if I’m going for a play I’ll note which heroes are on my team and ask for the utility. I’ll even ask for an offensive Trans if I think I can pull off the kills. As a Zarya player, I will communicate my bubbles.

This is stuff that you think having a clan will automatically provide. I sincerely doubt it will. When you consider how people didn’t know how to use LFG properly (“I used LFG and I LOST MORE GAMES, FAIL BLIZZARD”), having a clan isn’t going to make the match quality better. The people that are even going to take clans seriously are already in 4000 SR+. It’s literally just going to be another LFG fail brought on by the community. Wow, CLAN X SUCKS, THEYRE ALL NOOBS. LOOKING FOR NEW CLAN THATS NOT RETARDED! That’s all it’s gonna be in the forums.


Most player keep playing tilted and it shows in lose streaks. Look at urself first ALWAYS. OK actually first scream about how erryone on ur team is sh**, to urself, don’t use coms. Now that u feel better look at urself, what the hell did u do wrong? Were u doing he rite thing? Were u doing it the rite way? Was it bad positioning? Think were u should’ve been instead só u could’ve survived longer or done more for ur team. Where u missing shots? Practice. Did u get outplayed? Gut gud son. Were still tilted from the match before? Take five, watch a YouTube or something. Just stop blaming everyone cause I’m pretty sure u messed up big time during those games


Once again I am referring to streaks and the people who experience them. I think this happens to people being within 300-500 SR of their MMR. A GM in a gold game is too good for the rank to be manipulated in this way.

A better example is someone whose MMR is 2800 but their SR rose to 3000 one night from being boosted/luck/playing well etc… The system overreacts by giving them terrible teammates and forcing their rapid fall.

I am NOT saying they deserve to be 3k when their skill is around 2800 according to MMR.

It is HOW the matchmaker goes about making this happen that people have an issue with. You can tell when you have been given teammates marked to be falling based on either throwing, poor performance, or just being misplaced. It is obvious.

Everyone needs to get better that much we agree on. The problem I have is this one issue that is echoed by many people. Instead people insult others for pointing it out and telling them to get better (which is both accurate and another topic completely). This is a dismissal of what they are saying and the people are far too busy trying to patting each other on the back as they rank-shame people that they do not even understand what is being said.

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But it’s exactly this issue why the clans would be better. There is very little communication now as it stands with clans that’s not the case.

Back in the ranked socom days. Soon as you enter the lobby they do a roll call no respond via the come they all vote to kick you from the lobby. They took ranked seriously.

They didn’t say hey what’s your level, all they asked was are you gonna communicate if not you gotta go.

This is the #1 difference in the game and they are trying to fix a communication issue with a algorithm it will NEVER work.

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Yeh gotta agree, ppl in this game don’t know how to comunicate, at least from low diamond to mid silver. Callous are bad, flaming destroys team moral and cohesiveness. And callous are 10% flaming 90% of comms

When I played a lot I was hovering around high dia / low masters. I would never drop 500SR. Only when I made new accounts I saw plat, until I climbed back to diamond with ease. 300 is something that could happen and prolly happened to me, but then again I dont really remember because I dont care to look for patterns that dont exist.

Like where you can show this is true? All the information I can find on the internet (that has actually some value, like evidence or huge amounts of information gathered) doesent show this. Also 2800-3000 is not a huge difference anyways. Also when you hit 3k there is no more “bs”. Below 3k PBSR still exists I assume, so lets say you go from 2600 to 2900 (300 so we at least get a small difference instead of 200 that is basically nonexistent) and if you keep performin really well then what happens is that you get more SR from wins and lose less SR from losses, not that it gives you braindead guys in your team. And like said earlier, lets take j00mlas example. He went from 1k sr to I think to masters without losing a single game. Where was hes forced losses with terrible team mates? Thats not 200SR when according to you red sirens go out in blizz HQ and they sabotage your games, thats ~2500SR and nothing of like happens. You can find multiple examples like that. But nah, dude, I lost a game after winning a few, so it must be forced loss.

Still. There is absolutely no proof anywhere. If you have some hidden proof please represent it.

HOW?! You crafting some tinfoil theories and trying to find patterns to find patterns where there is no patterns and then claim its obvious doesent make it:

  1. obvious
  2. true

The problem I have is people fling out around theories that they have absolutely no proof of and the source is “trust me bro” while there is actual evidence in form of vods for example that its completely opposite. Like wut mate?

Tinfoil theories should be dismissed. The thing isnt rank shaming. The thing is that only way you can explain to a braindead tinfoil theorist is by practice. And that needs ranks to show how it works. Thats why I took j00mla as example, not because Im like “lol your bad”, even tho compared to j00mla we both are bad, but thats not the point, the point is that there is no conspiracy and it is shown in practice with people who are good enough to show that there absolutely is no conspiracies or they would be affected by it as well. Thats why I took him, 2500SR climb before first loss (and it was first loss, not a loss streak, a single loss), like 40 wins or something. And you dare to claim with 0 evidence that if you climb 200 SR performing well you will get “marked” to get terrible team mates. How on earth the machines are turned off always when a content creator (youtube/twtich and prolly many more platforms too that I dont follow) does something like this?! How do you explain that? Another tinfoil theory perhaps? Like they monitor all the content creator, even the small ones that majority of playerbase dont even know of, but they just happen to have every 20 follower youtuber on their list and they see them doing another bronze to GM and just turn off the scuffed system for them so they dont get caught?!

See this is what tilts me, people dont know how to shut up in VC in Comp, in Comp VC should be clear so everyone can hear call outs, it is not a sicial club, you want that go to QP, i dont care how school or your job, i dont give a damn about anyones lives, just play the game in comp not socialize

I’ve come to accept my faults and shortcomings in this game, however… Some teams I get just blow my mind. Yes, I’ve been the reason for some losses, but more often than not, it’s due to some Hammond main that is dead set on rushing in alone to feed them ult.

Forced losses doesnt exist.

If you think you have proof its not the case, feel free to show evidence here :

Forced loss streaks - here is your chance

So far nobody did.


Why nobody did record that in 4 years then?

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Darling, why are you vindicating anything that is thrown at your beloved Blizzard? I know, sometimes, one may think that identifying with a company, sports club, political party or music band has the ability to elevate one’s own life, but, damn, they give a flying f-word about you?

You do not find it in your heart that Blizzard may be evil? That this game was designed with the sole purpose to make you angry or in your case, loyal and hostile?

Think for a moment what Blizzard is and what we, your fellow players are, maybe you can connect with us.

It’s also bandwagon fallacy: _

A 50% win rate would be a godsend for me. A forced win streak would be awesome too. Currently my loss rate is 100% except for leavers & smurfs.

it‘s funny how it‘s always diamond/masters+ that are telling us, that the system is perfectly fine :joy:


You dont know me so please dont make assumption about me vs blizzard.

I am not identifying with anything. I simply like to play most of their games becasue blizzard is creating good games which usualy last long and I can play them hundreds of hours. It doesnt mean I am blind fan of them. They pretty much destroyed Diablo franchise with Diablo 3 to me.

How can they be evil lmao, its normal company creating games, evil how? You dont have to buy their games. They dont hold a gun to your head. Why would anyone create a game design to make you angry and hostile? It doesnt make sense. Blizzard is not making several games per year, have you ever watched some discussions with blizz development? They clearly love their games and they are making games for us. Yes they want money for it sure, but who doesnt. They cant make them free.

Its amusing to me that when I asked for a proof of something which some individuals claim to be true, you react with this bunch of nonsense not really related to that at all.

Sorry I will not blindly agree with some crazy individuals who cant even provide simple proof of their claims. I mean how hard is to record streak of “unwinnable forced loss games”. Pretty much majority player base can easily do it, even from replay. I created topic dedicated to that as I will willing to even admit I can be mistaken. But so far nobody didnt show anything, not single piece of evidence.


Why do you think is that? Maybe because higher ranked players have better knowledge about game? Do you think I was diamond the moment I started playing Overwatch? Hell no, I started as Silver player and over time i improved my mechanical skill, game sense and knowledge about game and climbed. Just as aynone else can do it. But its more easy to put tinfoil on your heads, ingore facts and trying to find problem anywhere else but you.

When I started playing I had no idea what is sensivity/DPI, didnt really have experience with online shooters, but I wanted to learn and get better, I advice you do the same. Blaming others and system wont get you anywhere.