Forced losses ruin ranked

Ok boomer
If r/iamverytough isnt already a thing, you could be the one to start it lmfao


This has nothing to do with overwatch and the mindset you seem to have towards overwatch is not competitive at all. Its egoistic casual style that most of the forums seems to be. Its not a bad thing, but claiming you are competitive and you cry over few losses how it was somehow fixed without any evidence is just low self esteem and trying to look tough outside, and taking your tennis example into the argument just solidifies it that you have low self esteem and you try to bolster your ego with something.


Or u just tilted mate

Why do a large portion of the ow community report streaks happening too often?

Why are winning streaks almost always followed by losing streaks if things are truly random?

Most of my old OW friends have left because of this very reason. People know when there is a problem and calling them bad which has nothing to do with what they are talking about is a strawman to deflect the discussion about streaks and their predictability.

Had a losing streak just last night with some of the dumbest windowlicking dps ive seen in diamond for 6 six games. Can you guess what happened the night before? Yup four game win streak. Happens so often that people just accept it and dont say anything so they dont seem crazy.

Streaks happen too often, and certainly losing streaks are happening too often after win streaks.

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You don’t know me bro. Most of my family members were pro athletes and Olympians. This is like I said what we do. Some families are farmers well we are ball players baseball, football, basketball, tennis and track. Even martial arts.

It’s clear you don’t or haven’t done anything in real life at a high level of you would have gotten the point.

Sorry if you are jealous or whatever. But state of mind during play isn’t the issue.

I spent my whole life grinding and competing this is like I said what we do. I know when a system is broken this is broken.

I have been playing video games since Atari and (PC) gaming since the commadore 64 and Vic 20. So please save the video game talk.


just get good :slight_smile:

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Lol are you joking? You dont have to be involved in PC gaming at all to know cheating is possible…everyone knows cheating is possible. They might not know exactly how an aimbot works, but i bet if i ask 10 non gamers what cheating in games looks like theyd have a pretty good idea lol.

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a family of athletes and all you can do is plat. pathetic.


No I am not speaking in cheating that won’t effect the lack of competitive games which causes the runs of wins followed by a the runs of losses.

The clan system has always worked to be the match maker. The best teams/clans rise and the others drop it’s just like the pros. The Mmr would work if these systems allow for teams/squads/clans. Not that looking for player nonsense (could be a part of the clan system sure.

At the end it’s a team game with very little team social element built in so it’s designed to fail.

Because it’s clear we the causal gamers were not in mind with most of the changes it was owl.

The PvE in OW2 is for that crowd I don’t play PvE only PvP games so can we fix ranked it’s clearly possible they just refuse.

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This is basically jiberish, also i was not responding to you so not sure why you replied…

Funny, mine was after role queue. Well 2 wins in 30 games. I usually hit 8-10 game losing streaks though before winning 1.

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don’t be hurt that you aint good at OW. It is a hard game to master

Yes, I have to be any other reason is silly, right? so, yeah, I am just a snowflake drifting tin the storm.
Have a very nice day Sir & Madam

Oh, such a cute try, damn, you are almost good at this. ^^

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no its actually some malfunction between MMR and SR, where the matchmaker tries to guess your skill in a weird way and puts you in teams where you are supposed to carry.

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Forced losses result from your SR exceeding your MMR (determined by your stats) through random variance such as throwers, leavers, and smurfs. The same thing happens when your SR gets too low but nobody complains about that.

I don’t get why people complain about this. It’s not fun to lose 10 games in a row but your rank was higher than it should have been to begin with.

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maybe there could be another way of handling that technically? losing isn‘t fun, so why force players to lose 3-x times in a row?

why put bad performing players together? to send them down faster?

I assume you have statistics? Because I would say its quite small, like a post every few days. And there is like, what 50m copies sold or something? Ofc some are smurfs, but there is a huge pool of players and even if people would post every day for 3 years (these loss streak tinfoil theories are quite new, maybe one year) there would be only 150 tinfoils plus a few each thread so maybe 450. And thats way more than there is. 450 vs millions who dont see the effect. So I would say that is a super minuscule portion of the community. Ofc it amplifies up because people usually go and post when something is negative. There is so much research data on that, for example when leaving feedback people rarely leave feedback if its good or ok, it has to be bad in order for many to leave feedback.

If you tilt and lose a lot you lose a lot of SR and you will basically be a smurf. Imagine me throwing 20 games and then start playing for real. Ofc Im gonna win a lot. Same is that if I get lucky 10 games and climb out of my skill level Im gonna lose for sure because I cant keep up. Normally a normal session would be closer to 50% winrate, but if abnormalities happen then its just normal and a good example why the matchmaker WORKS. I mean how you cant get it? Its really simple, you lose a lot of SR and drop down where you belong, ofc your gonna get easier games. One day you happen to be lucky and climb out of where you belong, ofc your gonna drop down. It just simply means the matchmaker works like it should, not like “omg its a conspiracy”. No, its natural for a working system.

Thank god my friends dont have tinfoil. One of my IRL friend was kinda trying to tinfoil it out like, how I can every climb if my team mates are so bad. I changed his mind. Then again, most of my friends online and IRL are kinda nerds, so tinfoil crafts are not their hobbies. They are people of reason. And then again, I dont think I would have befriended with them anyways if they would have been imbeciles.

Sure, but then again, 0 evidence is 0 evidence and needs nothing to be dismissed. If they would once in a lifetime provide evidence I could examine the evidence and judge it by it, but unfortunately that rarely happens (mainly for those who are in “elo hell” and when they provide evidence it only proves they are where they belong, and they do it rarely too, basically never).

If you look for patterns you will find patterns, it doesent matter if the pattern exists or not.

If you would just provide evidence… Like sure, things like that can happen, most likely if that really happens I would guess its because you are super inconsistent. For example, you dont warm up, you go straight to games and lose because you lick the window. Then you have warmed up AND dropped down, so you get easy wins. Then you end after wins and you are where you belong again, and same happens every time. This is ofc just a wild guess, because YOU HAVENT PROVIDED ANY EVIDENCE THAT COULD BE EXAMINED. Id be happy to look like I have looked through all evidence that has been presented, and in those evidences the players just have been playing as bad as their team mates, not like super god who is stuck because of bad team mates, many cases they even have been one of the worst members of their team.

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It should work to put bad performing players together but they should all be together in group of 12 so they can see who doesn’t belong.

Not putting one good performing player with 4 bad ones. That won’t do anything but bring the one good player down in most cases.

In a few cases you get the “carry situation” but not as much as advertised.

People mistake carry for a few good plays amongst other good(same level) players. And people think they carried when they basically did their job.


If someone is in the incorrect rank then they should lower or balance naturally. However what happens is the matchmaker manipulates the team in such a way that you have little hope of winning.

I dont think anyone save for a few people minds the rank they are in. I know i don’t. What i do have a problem with is how you are sandbagged if you do too well. Also im against the streaks that are wins too where the enemy team clearly had throwers and people out of their league costing them the game. People do not want to be carried OR have matches rigged for them to fall. They want random opponents in their SR range.

Currently there is much more happening then this simple thing, and people get mad when they feel they are being tricked. Has nothing to do with rank most of the time.

People make it about rank so they can shame lower ranked players and tell them how bad they are.