Forced losing streaks are still a thing thanks

This was brought up 1000 times also by me and now it happened again. I’m High Diamond almost Masters and then the Matchmaker suddenly decides to put me into a team with 5 dps only mains. After that each match my team gets worse either leavers, hard throwers people not leaving spawn people tilting right from the start of the match while somehow miraculously the enemy team always either has a smurf a decent comp or 3 masters players while we have a plat and no masters.
Over the course of the last few days I dropped about 700 SR from almost Masters to Platinum. I still have the same aim the same game knowledge, game sense and I still look for my own mistakes to play better. Nonetheless every single match since than had either leavers or one of the things mentioned above.
I just want to know why this is a thing. I am now at an Elo where people don’t even know how to combo Ultimates or position themselves who make the most basic mistakes every match.
All the grind all the hard work for nothing. I don’t think I even want to try anymore.


No they’re not (and they never were)


MMR is the only thing used to create matches. MMR is a simple decimal number with ranges roughly from -3 to +3. The matchmaker does not create games for you individually, so it does not attempt to make any particular player win or lose.

Good thing role queue is almost here, and you’ll never have a 5 dps match again.


So it’s all coincidence right ? Like 50-60 games in a row right ?

I mean if you call being tilted and playing poorly “a coincidence”

Tbh, though, if you’re losing 50-60 games in a row, I’m more inclined to accuse you of throwing


Yeah but Role Queue barely fixes anything. Multiple Dps in a games was the smallest of all problems this comp system has.

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Yet it was worth mentioning first in causing you a forced losing streak. If you don’t enjoy the game, maybe a break from comp will benefit your state of mind.


Thanks for just blabbering unconstrucive bs. I almost never tilted and if I did I quit for the rest of the day.

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Your entire OP says otherwise…

But, I guess if you’re not tilting than you must be intentionally throwing? There’s really no other way to lose 50-60 games in a row (besides being boosted af)


Show proof instead of just talking bs without anything to back it up. Then again what else do I expect from a snowflake…

Ah, so your post is just bait


I don’t have any idea why people would think you’re tilted.


Watch out dude, he WILL flag you!


Dude chill.
Yeah he’s being annoying, saying you threw, that’s out of order.
But he called u tilted, and u responded by getting tilted.
Calm, and try not to get annoyed by antagonistic forum comments–they’re people just trying to bait you.
And if your losing streak was really 700 SR, u should hard carry your way through a significant segment of diamond pretty quick.
You’ll always get to your deserved rank eventually,
Good luck

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Lol are you trolling ? hahahah

i agree that forced lose streaks are real… i been going thru this all weekend… its completely demoralizing.

In the overwatch world… if you flip a coin 10 times, you will see heads 9 of 10 times… what a joke.

Thats funny Ive been getting forced wins the entire time.


Do the people on the winning team not count? Or do you think the matchmaker is out to get you, personally?


Why do you keep liking your own comment hahahah

Jayne taught me that if I care enough to make a comment, I should stand behind the statement by liking it.

He also taught me that forced losses aren’t real.