For the "Sym is OP now" crowd

Her Primary Fire DPS

Symmetra’s DPS values remain unchanged. She is capped at 195 DPS. This is not actually a super high value but beam weapons have their DPS stated while other modes of fire are listed per projectile/bullet so people don’t understand where this falls on the spectrum. Examples:

Soldier 76: 180 DPS without headshots
McCree: 167 DPS without headshots
Bastion (recon): 160 DPS without headshots
Bastion (sentry): 450 DPS
Junkrat: 200 DPS with direct hits
Tracer: 240 DPS without headshots

As some examples. People see the 195 DPS damage value outright, and just by comparing it to numbers they know, they think it’s some absurdly high value, when it really isn’t.

Understand that for her to begin doing 195 DPS (which is, again, not some godly mega high value) she needs to have charged up for 2.6 seconds and with a hard 12m range limit.

These restrictions, combined with the fact that she is a squishy with exactly 0 in-combat sustain / panic buttons / free escapes, are intended limitations to her beam since she is a utility DPS. Her primary fire as a weapon is, really, worse than most other DPS weapons due to all of these drawbacks.

Her Bug Fix

People have been whining about how “she melts tanks and barriers like crazy now.” The fact is that her damage against large targets and barriers is unchanged with the beam bug fix. You’ll only see a DPS increase on small moving targets. This impacts every Sym player, not just those with “bad aim” as some people seem to think. Nobody has 100% accuracy. Now your accuracy and damage output will be rewarded properly. 50% accuracy = 50% damage, as any weapon objectively should work.

Melting Barriers

Sym is not the best shield breaker in the game. She’s seeing success now because of enemy Sigmas who are unfamiliar with how to optimize barrier placement. Symmetra is the only character in the game who is explicitly incentivized to hit barriers since she regenerates ammo off them, and they can also serve as a ramp-up source so that she can start doing normal damage. So when Sym players see a free barrier, they are going to jump on it. It’s part of the playstyle.

As well, Symmetra’s primary fire can damage Sigma though kinetic grasp, which is another reason for the favourable matchup.

My Opinion

In all honesty, and I say this without trying to be the biggest jerk ever, I really think the people who think Sym is now OP are just… not that great at the game. I’ve been checking profiles of people on either side of these arguments and it shows.

I think at the end of the day, people do not like Symmetra as a character, and prefer to see her as a pushover. They do not want her to be a viable DPS, and now that she’s gone from bad to okay, they see it as a national tragedy.


Sym OP? LOL! That is the most Hilarious thing i’ve heard today XD


since when are 3 and a half people a ‘crowd’


I mean, the duplicate threads about sym seem to be a lot.


It’s just utterly ridiculous how they are scapegoating Symmetra for their own mistakes. They complained when she had autolock, they complain because she has to aim, they complain because she got a BUGFIX and ignore all the flaws she still has in her Kit and then complain because they feed her.

The worst thing is, that we know how all these Heros land. Just look at Mercy, Sombra ect… and Symmetra is very likely to get nerfed.


insert LOTR So it’s begins gif here

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I’ve been seeing a shocking number of these posts lately tbh. At first I brushed it off but they keep getting made and I’m just like “okay this has to stop”


As long as they don’t bring back her lock-on beam I can’t complain too much

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Once this “2-shield” meta dials down, she won’t be seen as OP. I also feel like 2-2-2 might’ve helped her a tiny bit.


I’ll share some Sym wisdom with anyone who thinks she’s op. With the changes to her TP, Winston is more of a counter to her than ever before. If you dive a Sym who is not charged up then you’re probably going to kill her. A lot of Sym players don’t have TP up as much because they use it to get players back from spawn faster. The old tactic was, Winston dives me and I tp out because I’m as good as dead otherwise. Even if she’s already charged up and you have a healer, you’re going to beat her as Winston. Dance around you’re bubble and you will kill her. Even if she has a healer.

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Omg who is the half?

Well constructed and objectively correct arguement. I can’t even imagine how someone above gold would disagree with this


Another OW witchhunt. Sym gets a little bit of the spotlight after YEARS of being seen as F-tier, now people can’t take her on. sigh

Beyond Role Que still settling to make assumptions about her for people to calm down, she still has a ton of counters. I like to think most of this is just coming from people because Sym was so rarely used in-game for the longest time, people have forgotten how to deal with her.

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I think the irritation stems from a few of her counters not being meta right now as well.

Winston is a softer counter than he has been previously for Sym. If he doesn’t land right on Sym or the Sym gets decent heals, she will melt him.

Pharah is in a rough spot overall.

Those used to be the hard Sym counters. Anyone that out ranges her has the advantage, but a good Sym will play to her strengths as well which usually will cause the fight to take place in medium to close range.

Widow and Hanzo are still great picks against Sym. Headshots from across the map are just too strong. With double shield being meta though, Widow and Hanzo are having a harder time setting their sights on enemies that aren’t behind a shield.

So overall I think the frustration stems from a lack of knowledge on how to properly play against a Sym or how to play against double shield comps.


While you make several good clarifications here, I want to point out regarding the damage numbers you’re listing:

Those all are theoretical values for people never missing a shot and never having to reload. In practice, people miss most of their shots (due to a combination of imperfect aim and weapon spread) with all of the above, even at higher skill levels.

On the other hand, beam weapons at those higher skill levels are pretty consistently doing full damage now against targets of all sizes, and in Symmetra’s case, that damage isn’t interrupted by reloading every few seconds. When fully charged, her beam is almost certainly the best weapon for its range at this point, thanks to that consistency.

Of course, limited range, charge time, and other factors prevent her from being some overpowered monster. In terms of raw damage output when charged, though, her beam is indeed extremely strong.

Keep in mind that the “no reload” thing is only against barriers, she still reloads otherwise. Also, at the ranges where Sym’s beam works, one’s accuracy should be quite high and spread negligible in all honesty.

After 10 seconds of firing, yes. Most of the damage characters you listed have to reload after 1-3 seconds.

I co-main Sym and Mei… If Sym can charge up and get in close, its all over, no question. The biggest problem is people were used to laughing Sym off as a joke… I actually had this morning someone question my running Sym on attack… o.O… there are a lot of misconceptions still about Sym, and lack of understanding. I have been amazed how many people for instance dont know Torbs turret tracks his primary fire… not surprised in the least that lack of knowledge partly feeds the current “Sym-scare”…

If she truly is OP, then she’ll get a slight nerf. I just don’t think the amount of damage is much greater, it feels like enemies melt about half a second sooner overall with my tracking which is fair.

Yes, you’re right. She does have that advantage.

Your DPS numbers are incorrect, unless you’re ignoring reload times. Not sure DPS numbers without reloading.