For the mercy peoples

I recommend you guys just play like hanzo and genji and mccree instead. I’m new to this game and that’s what I play and it’s fun. I like this game.

Most of “the Mercy peoples” have actually moved on to other heroes. But they miss how Mercy had an RTS playstyle before her rework, so they come to the forums to campaign for Mercy to get another rework that brings back the magic.


I used to main Mercy. Now, I main D.Va. That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t share my opinion about the horrible state of Mercy.

I’d gladly start playing as Mercy again if they actually improved her in an impactful way.


Who needs Mercy when you have Torbjorn?
Looks peacefully at a portrait of Torbjorn


Maybe if you sign a petition you could get old mercy back? I don’t mind ana in mata because I like using nano boosted sword.

I used to play Mercy, I play tons of other heroes like Mei,, Moira and Ana.

So I am having fun with other heroes, but sometimes I do miss playing her.


Yeah, because that always works.

I also kind of want her back bc ezpz kill but I also don’t like when I get a kill then it gets rez

I main winston, hog, zarya, mercy, ana and moira. I dropped mercy not too long ago and i’m playing a bit of lucio on the side. Majority of mercy mains play other heroes too. They’re just disgruntled with mercy’s state at the moment and so am i.

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Same. My favourite healer is Lúcio now, but I don’t play healer as much as I did before. D.Va is my new favourite hero to play as.

I miss playing as Mercy. Even though mass-Resurrect Mercy was underpowered yet still unfair to play against, it was fun. It was impactful. It was exciting. You could make some sick plays.

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Damage dealers are boring to me. I can go to any other game ever and shoot and kill. Being able to play the cleric is an interesting mechanic in a multiplayer shooter. And there is no other cleric in the game aside from mercy. All the other supports are paladins, are dps/healer hybrids.


Interesting I never thought about that, because I grew up mostly not playing any competitive or online games so all I wanna do is DPS

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All I wanna do is heal. Healing and critting another person while they tear through the team is very satisfying to me, and a successful rez makes me a happy camper. If they make another cleric I’d play her, until then mercy is my one and only.

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2 methods:

  1. the most speed fededback of ever: 3 quick answers on Mercy "No explanation challenge"
  2. not pick mercy like protest
  3. say “no mercy, please” in every single match (torb and Sym method)

easy. no one read the text walls of “why, because, what we need ecc.” :sweat: gg