For the love of god stop nerfing support and tanks

For the love of god keep going. I want to be able to play something besides Brig/Ana without being screamed at that I’m throwing.


If double shield and brig have so much clunterplay, why do the pros and higher tier players need to mirror it half the time. You realize a good brig will just play with the double shields and not die? And you know its very hard for other tanklines to push into double shield. The double shield meta and brig being nerf means more room for other tanks and supports to have play. Main tanks are forced onto orisa or off tanks onto sigma because just about every other tankline just get poked to death or outsustained. Do you know how many supports have to lock brig just to get value? No zen, no lucio, no mercy. Brig outvalues all of them. This is freeing the tanks and supports to be more flexible, noy to cater towards DPS who have been having more variety than ever as of late


iv been asked to get off mercy for an Ana maybe twice? in the last year, and iv only ever switched to brig if im getting no peel for flankers, so i dunno maybe its just in Australia but no one demands which supports are played, could be my rank too i dunno, well no one asks for changes until we have to counter but at that point its just blizzards fault for not having enough counting options for supports to begin with.

Its a futile effort. Support bias is rampamt on this forums. Combined with the utter lack of self awaremess most posters have then it doesmt matter how much semse your argument makes. Its just that supports good deepee@ss bad.


could the support bias on the forums be a symptom of the DPS complaining on the forums resulting in the constant support nerfs?

want to know why supports (that i know) hate the brig nerfs? because when we get fisted by doomfist or harassed by tracer or genji, dived by winston or dva or ball, brig is our go to so we can have a decent chance of protecting ourselves if DPS and or tanks don’t peel for us(which happens often in sub GM and scrim/OWL play which is where MOST of the community is), we’re generally targeted first because well no heals = easy team fight which is fine but if they constantly nerf our survivability it just becomes less fun to play, by all means nerf brigs overall healing if you have to (to be fair it WAS strong) and sure give her the increase self healing as a compromise but taking her health down so she can be one shot by a greater amount of the DPS roster is taking the piss.

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DPS mains run this game. Changes only happen if they benefit popular damage heroes.

just remove tanks and supports already. Let this game turn into psuedo call of duty.


The healing have a powercreep problem and double shield is yo strong.

I mean you have to remember if you are skillef at your heroes you can climb to the higher ranks. Or there would be no star supports players. You are responsible for protecting yourself as you’re your lost consistent teammate. A GM mercy could probably climb back to GM on mercy despite the increasing difficulty in DPS players getting better alomg with tanks and supports becoming deadlier. High tier supports hate brig because they are forced onto the hero when they prefer to play the other arguably more fun heroes. Usually


Support nerfs come bc supports need merfs. Brig is getting nerfed bc her kit is too powerful and too reliable at the same time while also synergizing well with the double barrier meta the devs are trying to kill rn.

Supports dont get nerfed bc of DPS complaints. Overperforming supports get nerfed bc they are overperforming. And while Id argue its not the only thing that needs to be looked at, at least is a sound principle when it comes to deciding if a hero needs to be touched.

Sure you are not supposed to like it. There are other survivable supports tho, a skilled Lucio for example is able to stay alive probably longer than Brig ever could, but Lucio requieres mechanics and for some reason a considerable portion of the support playerbase doesnt like that.

Yeah I get that Brig needs to be able to fo something without instantly dying, and while she was my mosy disliked character back when she was released, nowdays I dont think she holds that spot any longer and Ive even played a bit of her lately.

My point is that fron the beggining a seizable portion of the playerbase was telling everhone that Brig’s design was problematic, too much guranteed value, that it was gonna create problems and lots of people defended her. After multiple dozens of nerfs she is still iverperforming. Its been proving time and time again that she was busted yet the support playerbase was completely blind to that fact.

Forums have had support bias since as long as I can remember. If those guys could unironically defend release Brig, those guys will defend anything no matter how wrong or ridiculous it may be.


Pros along with high ranked people got boosted and don’t know what they’re talking about obviously.

Genji is overtuned for 2 weeks and forum loses it’s collective mind. Because support mains are plenty in this site.

Brig was never fine. The game was way more fun when things actually died. These days, you’ll be doing great if you get 40 elim in a 20 minutes match.

People think tanking is unfun because dps heroes got so many buffs (I’m tank main and have too much fun these days). Surprising fact, tanking is unfun because you won’t get rewarded for aggressive playstyle anymore. Largely because tanks don’t do burst damage as primary and you’ve small window to get kills. With so much sustain in the game, tanks can’t take space which means dps won’t be able to do their job.

Honestly speaking, I’m happy that devs stopped listening to forum warriors who only want their mains (roles) to get superbuffed while want everything else to be unplayable.


You know why this is happening. They literally tell you why this is happening. Nothing to do with DPS players.

This agenda needs to stop.


1600hr+ Support only player here!
Please for the love of god, keep nerfing Brig and Ana
Brig currently makes every other Offsupport a throw-pick, and Ana has been meta since she came into the game
And please, for the love of god, keep nerfing Maintanks. An entire year of Double Shields has literally killed this game and has killed the entire Tank population.
The state of the game is, “If you dont want to play Maintank, then dont sign up to play Tank”
And then y’all wonder why nobody wants to play Tank :slight_smile:


THIS. I used to play a lot of Rein when I started but I ended up gradually dropping the tank role almost completely once they started to introduce more and more CC in the game.

I know my personal experience isnt prove or anything but I think Im not the only one that feels like the declime of the game started with the gradually increasing ammount of cc.

Players couldnt deal with mobility realiably so over the top CC was Blizzard’s dumb stupid kneejerk reaction. Brig probably being the worst offender since she enabled so many of the game’s worst anti-competitive mechanics.

As I said, I dont think Brig is nearly as bad as she was at realease, but her kit is stil fundamentally flawed from a design perspecrive and she will still get powershifts until Blizzard gives her a worthy rework or she gets nerfed into oblivion. Personally Id like the first option, just rework her. Id hate for us to lose on content given how little we have gotten over the years.


Ah yes, shooting a hero counters them. Now, where were you when Genji was absurdly OP to give us such words of wisdom? Also, being countered doesn’t determine a hero’s strength


If they could read , they’d be very upset

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as a tank player i would like to ask you to not talk for me. while i dont think orisa is the cause of double shields (its cause of spam buffs) i can see why sig needs nerfs and the changes to halt actually mean you need to use your brain when you use it for once.

so you’re loving this double off tank, hog and zar meta? the meta which is more restrictive then double shield everyone was complaining about? where counters to hog are now one shotted(well hook one shot) by hog.

where BASICALLY if you’re not running hog,zar, widow/ashe/hanzo and mercy ana you’re fighting an uphill battle?

lol its almost like people tried to warn against it.

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i play zarya buddy.

though hog is a little busted RN

I will not buy OW2 if Blizzard keeps nerfing supports and tanks and let Brigitte dead.
I am main healer and I don’t enjoy OW like this.
Maybe it does not matter my opinion, but the only thing that I can do is not support Blizzard