For the love of god fix Orisa

The 600 is not there for you to stand behind, really. The game has literally been trying to teach people that good positioning is better than any shield and people just don’t want to learn.


Maybe they should design the game around how people actually want to play it.


Name another game in the genre that gives you those big shields to stand behind in the open instead of terrain. I’ll wait.

If we were going by other game standards, Snipers would get nerfed into the ground.


So you can’t think of one? Good to know. Learn to position, break the Rein shield, profit.

Let’s put it this way. I’ve probably put way more thought into this subject than you have.

And I probably have more class based shooter design knowledge than you do.

OW2 PVP, Low Barrier problems

Really, you probably don’t even know what “aim punch” means.


That’s nice. Know what I’ve got?

120 more hours on Orisa than you.

I’ll take a bad Orisa over a lunch lady with a jetpack. At least with Orisa, the enemy doesn’t have 3 ults every team fight.

There are not many fps/moba hybrids out there so I don’t know how you can expect that like it’s a golden rule. The facts are overwatch has shields, and shields are designed to protect. A shield that gets deleted in 1 second isn’t doing its job. Orisa is designed to be a bunker tank. Bunker tanks depend on their shield to fortify thier position. No shield means she can’t fortify her position. If she can’t hold her position means orisa isn’t doing her job effectively. Not being able to do your job effective equals bad hero with negative winrates across the board and non existent pickrates.

Also Shields are 100% meant to be stand behind. The catch is for how long. In orisas case not near long enough


Every day, more wining for more fps over Moba. What drew these people to the game if they don’t want what’s in it?


Its not that Orisa is broken, its that she has just been nerfed non stop and even though all tanks are “not in a good state”, she is by comparison the worst. She needs a buff and it should be on the barrier department imho.

But yeah, we are all scared of the big bad wolf double shield so good luck with that I guess.


That’s what ticks me off. Overwatch was advertised as a one of a kind of fps/moba hybrid, but some people refuse to accept the moba elements of the game.

Like if you want to shoot things fine, but of you can’t handle moba elements like defensive abilities, shields, building, and aoes go play a diffrent game. Valorant should be more up your ally or cod that releases a game every year. I’m sick of the moba elements being sucked from the game to please fpsers


Brig and Sigma have a shield. What do they protect?

The reality is that Orisa, unlike Rein, can do offensive work while shield is up, AND she can prefire shields to provide longer batches of shield protection between uses of Fortify.

Orisa’s shield was too much at release, but people love their Rein blanket and she was slept on for being “boring”. The shield was NEVER there to do the Rein shield’s work. It was there to absorb large chunks of damage in a short timeframe and come back faster than Rein’s could regenerate. The playerbase is just lazy and has weak mentality without Rectangle Man and Bubble Girl there to protect them.

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Paladins. :wink: With some of of the tanks. (Before they eventually got nerfed. :sweat_smile:)

At least, last season you could built a loadout with Makoa where your shield-cooldown would drastically reduce if the enemy was shooting the shield. :grin:

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They protect their users, and in sigmas case creates a window for your team to safely push behind.

By offensive work? You mean the pellet gun that 9 times out of 10 feeds support ults instead of getting kills? If that actually mattered enough why is rein the better tank?

  1. Because his shield is far superior in uptime. Meaning the entire team behind him can apply more pressure behind him then orisas gun ever could, and since her shield instantly breaks, guess how that damage trade goes.

  2. He has a kit that actually punishes and forces you respect distance. Orisa doesn’t get those solo playmaking abilities like 250 damage charge and a quick farm shatter ult. Both of which a good rein have no problem using against orisa because again she has no shield and you can force our fortify relatively easy.

Meanwhile she’s worse than rein even in the one area should be able to excel at which is holding ground. The extra shield throw up hasn’t been much for well over year now. It’s 20 seconds of cooldown for only 1200 shield which is only 2/3 of rein gets the whole time. Also are we really going to pretend orisas shield is better because she gets to shoot? Reins moves with him, he can withdraw it at any time to save it and maximize up time with. It has far more uptime.

Orisas shield was not way to much at realease either. She spent 2 years as throw pick and has almost no defensive buffs that whole times. During the year she was meta was because of the death of dive thanks to brig and Mei got buffed and was farming rein. After that she only stayed because Sigma game a extra shield while also filling the role of offtank for her. Her shield was never the problem. Double barrier and blizzard artificially changing metas was. If double barriers were actually addressed her old shield would have never been a issue. If blizzard didn’t completely destroy dive, and allow Mei to act as extra barrier that also divides teams her shield would have never been a issue. She was a litteral meta fill in because blizzards wack balance

Pros played what was optimal. It had nothing to do with what was lazy. We know this by watching statistics through the years. Orisa was niche for most of time with that shield

IDK what kind of “reality” you live in mate but no, even though she can shoot ranged, its a projectile and she does , by no standards, equal or more damage than offtanks.

And no, that “pre fire” thing doesnt work at all. Maybe for when you already won a fight and then you can leave your shield there for the next. In reality her shield uptime is the worse.


It’s simple: every character that works well with sigma gets nerfed to the ground, so they can avoid a rework on him. They should just make sigma an off-tank and then there’d be room for buffs for heroes that were pretty much fine before the gravity guy. Remember when orisa+hog was a viable tank comp on some maps (usually 2cp)? Did anyone have a problem with that, or her having 6m pull and 900hp barrier? I don’t remember that being a big enough problem that I would’ve heard about it. Then sigma came out, and Orisa, being the older hero got nerfed for him


Not the first time I said it but I will say it again:
Give Orisa “Defender” passive - Increases shield HP by 50% when there are no other shield users.

There you go.
Fixed. Double Shield meta would still not work, and she would be better with offtanks only.


Exactly it wasn’t a issue until double barriers. They seriously need to just make barrier penalty for trying to stack shields and revert the nerfs. Or this is going to be a issue for every new tank that has tank abilities. Seriously what is the game plan of future tanks if they can’t handle this.

You think a 700 hp barrier allows you to push but a 600 hp one doesn’t. Interesting.

He’s not, really. He’s just the tank for the lazy. Also, that pellet gun does 132 dps, and can destroy Reinhardt’s shield with bullets to spare before reloading.

Oh wait, you say “But Orisa’s shield dissolves instantly when the Reinhardt’s team focuses it!” Sure. You know what? So does Rein’s, especially when Orisa can shoot it along with everyone else, while Rein has to sit there and do nothing as long as he’s holding it up. Or, I guess, he could drop it and we can see if his unfortified 550 HP can last longer with, say, two DPS and Orisa shooting at him than 2 DPS shooting at an Orisa with Fortify up. (Hint: He dies first.)

He has to reach her to do it. Good positioning and you just spam it down, break his shield, make him hide for five seconds, murder the lazy squishes who stood behind him.

Not to mention her ult, which provides twice the damage boost within line of sight for her entire team that’s twice as effective as Rein being discorded.

When you can do 132 damage a second to it for free? Yep. His will break before my second one does, every time, and then he can go hide and rebuild it and I can have my third one ready to do it again.

Okay, this is rich.

When was Rein meta in the last year? How did Double Barrier last as a meta if Orisa was so weak? If pros play what is optimal, why was she the pick in GM for so long if she was weak like you claim?

Seriously, think about it. She was meta for more than a year while you insist she was trash. Who’s right, you or the pros?