Footsteps are still silent

Yeah, Widow is very loud.

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yall need to get a new headset, mccree’s footsteps are super loud

I assume the game has a certain amount of sound effects it can play at maximum, and footstep sounds are low priority, sucks a lot

They are, but it’s a long-standing issue that the SFX for them (and various other things) literally don’t play at all. Can’t hear it if the sound never gets played.


I dont notice this? i hear them just fine.

It seems like the number of sound channels was decreased at some point. This started about 8 months into OW, where ult queues wouldn’t play etc. and eventually footsteps.

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My Mercy’s and Widowmaker’s high heels are loud af. Much louder than enemy footsteps.


Enemy footsteps should be the highest priority barring perhaps ultimate voice lines.
if there is such a thing as too many sound effects, then get rid of the silly friendly footsteps first, or just entirely.
it serves no purpose, while enemy footsteps are crucial information.


There have been MANY threads in there about it, and none get much attention, if at all unless they’re crossposted here. People are only doing what they have to do to raise attention to the problem that’s existed in the game (and been ignored by blizz) for nearly FOUR YEARS.

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Boosting this signal. Its very noticeable.

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Various sounds don’t work for various people. I no longer hear Hanzo’s sonic arrow sound when the arrow is in the wall.

I won us a comp game flanking as Rein - poor sods couldn’t hear me even when I was right behind them stomping my feet. One Earth Shatter later and the game was won.


i had pharah literally self ult me a few times when she boosts behind our team

she has god damn rockets and we cant hear her boosting around


Sometimes the footsteps literally just don’t play. You can’t hear what isn’t there.


Team: Talks a bit
Me: Shh, I’m trying to hear someone
Mercy from 20m behind two walls and bulletproof glass: CLOP CLOP CLOP


Would be nice to get a response on this matter…


Here’s the link to the megathread I made 2 years ago. It has videos, links to other threads complaining about the same thing, etc. Nothing’s changed since then, the audio issues seem to come and go with patches, though right now the game is basically unplayable for me because of it.

[MEGATHREAD] Can You Hear the Audio Issues? I Bet You Can! 🔇

You can add your experience to the thread if you like and maybe it might get the attention of the devs, not that I really think it will really help but meh.

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Just recently a doomfist burned every single one of his cooldowns something like 5 meters behind me. I did not hear a thing, not one single ability of his created an audible sound effect in my headset. These sound effects issues are honestly ruining my friendships at this point because my friends think Im throwing when we play together.


this is the only one ive noticed a lot recently

like tires and high noons are the two worst

Wonder if blizzard will fix this for OW2 lol.

Probably not.