Florida Mayhem vs. Washington Justice - FINAL

Wow mayhem winning now

That was really long and drawn out for only one map

HOW did florida manage to get the second point in overtime??

justice really just used 4 ults and got nothing out of it i feel like im back in stages 1-3

I kinda want Washington to win. Don’t know where Sleepy is, but I liked him in his SF days.

It’s like watching the two worst teams go against each other.

Well that was…something

And now the spawn camping Pharah too OP posts will start pouring in.

So the winner was basically GOATs. I’m actually ok with that, cause not bunker.

You know despite my uneasiness with 2/2/2, hot damn it’s good to see Reaper good again in pro play.

Kinda surprised that worked. Ilios well is NOT a hammond map.


2019 florida mayhem or 2018 shanghai dragons…you know the question…discuss

Washington 2020 champs. You heard it here first lol.

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Fixed that for you.

Final Score/Tiebreaker


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That would be dope since they’ll start playing in DC next year, so if I really want I could go watch in person.

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Season 1 Dragons is worse. At least with the Mayhem, the whole is better than the sum of their parts since they all speak the same language. Season 1 Dragons case, the insurmountable language barrier meant that they were operating as 2 parts rather than 1 whole.

Speaking of Dragons…

lol, they both 19 and 20.

YES! The Justice wins again!

Too bad they will be stuck in Davy Jones locker this season…