Flexing in role quickplay

I think people would be more likely to play flex if it guaranteed an even distribution of roles.


The flex role is weird as it is random in it’s distribution.

I just do it or mystery Heroes as my warm up

Well, they designed flex to always be the least played role, so yeah, would have to change that design philosophy to fix that.

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I think that the request is that if you queue for all roles that you would get a mix of the roles. Sure, if support is most needed you should expect to get it more often, but not necessarily exclusively. And if tank is most in demand, you should expect to get it less frequently, but not never.


I feel this. I stopped counting how many support games I had in a row when selecting flex role. Kinda feels like a second Support card in disguise. :sweat_smile: Not entirely sure but I guess it’s because a lot of people don’t enjoy that role too much right now.

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Hey, here we are in a thread about flex quickplay having support filling it up.
It is the buffer before it spills over into nasty nasty queue times, and it is almost filled.

It is what? week 3, and the queue time buffer has run out of space…


As I said in the other thread and in that quote I’m also getting really fast queues on Tank/DPS, not just Support. I don’t really see the issue with support being the most commonly filled roles if Tank/DPS specific queues are still very fast. By default there will always be a most commonly filled role… that doesn’t mean there’s a problem unless there’s long queue times for other roles like there was in OW1.

Nobody wants to play support, if you pick flex you’ll be placed in the role with the least player to fill the games, and that’s support.

In my experience you get about 70% support, 20% DPS and 10% tank more or less. If you don’t want to play support just pick the role you want.

Depending on where you play, even if you pick Tank and DPS you’ll most likely be DPS more than half your games.

It’s been like that since the beta, unfortunately.

You’ll get maybe 1 tank/dps game per play session.

I agree, the problem is few people want to play support because they get melted instantly by flankers

Flex usually means support because is the emptiest queue. If you’re flex, than you’re saying that you agree to be put in any role, so they’ll find you the one that is fastest

problem is i often see BOTH the tank and support have shorter q’s - i have to switch off tank to get a break from being thown into that mess.

At some point it’ll become support games from flex queue almost 100% of the time – much like it was with tanks in 1 – if we remain on this trajectory. It is what it is. Where people get confused is in the terminology. Some see “all roles” and think that they should get to play each role 33% of the time, when, in reality, it is what our :robot::man_mage:t2: calls a “fill queue”.


If fill/flex queue is mostly or even entirely support it doesn’t matter as long as you can also play Tank/DPS when you want to with a short queue time

All that matters is short queue times, whatever role is mostly played by flex queue is a non-issue, there inevitably has to be one

I’ll repost since its been a while, its entirely support. I haven’t had a game as flex that wasn’t. Daily and weekly require you to flex, might as well just require que for support only.

Just flexed and got DPS 2 games in a row on PC US East

Estimated wait time for DPS& Support is 2 minutes but got a game in less than 30 seconds both times

wonder if its just my rank or something, but its been straight support. an there is no que time, pretty close to instant

dont worry, it isnt…your experience is near universal at this point given the lack of players who wish to play support

there are certain forum members who just like to make up stories about how the game being called OW2 doesnt have any of the problems that it most clearly does

There are some forum members who are even denying that the first 3-4 days of the release wasnt gawdawful, even though Blizzard itself has admitted to this and publicly apologized for it


24 games in a row as support when I flexed yesterday.


and this is the normal, expected result given how flex queue operates

I am neither defending it nor decrying it - rather, this queue puts players into the role that has the fewest players queued. its just how it works. When one queues flex, one is essentially saying to the game - put me where you need me…and right now that need is at support