Flavor of the month Ana

lol, damn you took me spot after I basically quit the forums didn’t you, but do the opposite.

If Moira was so easy, then your own rank would not be full of them, they’d be much higher, ever thought of that?

Anyway, I’m not even going to argue it, I already know your bias opinions after being on these forums for nearly a year.

The problem is when people call for nerfs pretending she’s OP or implying she should be nerfed because “look at her pickrate!1!1!!!” otherwise it would be fine if people were like “I hate seeing Ana in every game” okay then.

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Well, long ago, people said they didn’t want to face Mercy because she undid their kills.

And later, people said they didn’t want to face Baptiste because he prevented their kills with IF.

And still later , people said they didn’t want to face Moira because she killed them.

So you get Ana. You’re always going to be facing some main healer, so deal with it!


Well, lets be honest. Mass rez was quite infuriating, use 3 ults to get the point, and mercy would be under the map and res them all.

Anyone who doesn’t see a problem with that was either a mercy player or didn’t play the game back then.

I used to be a Mercy player back then, but i wouldn’t be that type of mercy. I would heal my team, try to keep them alive as long as I could, as I felt it was not worth letting everyone die, and you know what? It worked out much better for me.

How else do you need me to say it? I think she’s easy to get value out of but that value has a cap because low skill ceiling, too, and I want both raised. That only carries you so high.

It’s like you’re PURPOSELY ignoring the second half of it over and over again. You think I just want her nerfed and that’s it, when I want her to also be given higher reward.

Also, I really hope you aren’t calling me biased when you’re…you know, you. Lmao.

Yes I am the most biased Moira player ever… are you kidding me? Are you really saying that?

(this was prior to sigma, at the time we did not know double shield was going to end up being a thing, but either way I was against those buffs for Moira)

Here is another one of me against Moira buff but asking what they will do (this was prior to Sigma release and 2-2-2 which is why I brought up the healing through shields “bug”)

and then here again.

IF you really believe I am a biased person then that is up to you, but I am far from it.

I only want Moira to be balanced, I don’t want her to be OP, I don’t want her to be UP either.

OP Moira means she will get trashed, look at Mercy for example, I don’t want Moira to be trash tier, she’s already garbage at my rank pretty much and gets countered big time by Ana.

Considering you IGNORE the things I literally write that contradict your claims and like to blanket me with the people who just want her net-nerfed…yes, I do think you are biased. Not blindly, thank God, but yes, I do think you’re biased, forum user named Moira.

To be honest, I can’t stand Ana. She’s in every single game and I’m so tired of being anti-naded or slept anytime I go to do anything. It’s very frustrating. And her hitbox is wonky.


I play Ana and I’m tired of her. :sweat: Any hero being a must-pick this long becomes infuriating to play against and as.

I purposely renamed myself to Moira upon first coming to the forums, my previous username was Squirtle. :smiling_imp: (which I named myself as a joke because Squirtles Water gun reminds me of Moira LMB)

I knew it would get me more noticed when I discussed Moira, I also knew it would get me called biased a lot though.

I wanted people to listen/read when I spoke about Moira, as it was (yes was) important to me at the time.

Yeah, to be fair I hated mass rez as much as anyone, lol.

I don’t know. I think my point was just that Ana is good because all the other main supports were methodically hammered down. Better to fix them than also ruin Ana, you know?

Welp, can’t unsee that now in-game LMAO. Accurate, though.

I mean, it’s fine. And believe me, I’m biased with Sombra, too. I just think it’s awkward to call me biased when I don’t want her flat-out nerfed, I want her to take more effort and get a far higher reward for it. You seem to hone in on the idea that I want her skill floor raised, when I also respectively want her to get a higher reward for it. That’s what I take issue with. And because you don’t seem to acknowledge the second part (even if you disagree), it comes off as biased.

I do not get annoyed at heroes just because they are present in a lot of games… I get irritated when there is something to be irritated about.

Ana is such a good support and I really don’t want her to be nerfed. They nerfed healers because of the reason they were meta…

Example Moira is Meta because they added sigma who caused horrible double shield. But nobody ever complained about Moira healing.

And then Baptiste… they nerf his healing he does 60 now (each grenade shoots 50, but he can shoot like 1.1 or 1.2 per second) AND THEY NERF HIM BECAUSE THEY INCREASED HIS RoF??? how does RoF on his damage = healing nerf!!!

Sorry, I don’t mean to come off biased when I don’t read your full comment. I’m really not though.

Also I personally am okay with Moira’s skill floor, once you hit a certain rank like diamond you have to start playing mind games or people aren’t going to take it from you, and you’ll just be stuck.

I know a guy who said Moira is so easy and he wanted to “prove it” (he’s usually GM TANK) and he couldn’t get past 3.3k, he tried so hard to “prove” So I guess, you’re kinda right in a way, but double shield…

I don’t want Moira to be like how she was for double shield… she didn’t feel like the same hero to me, it was the first and only time I ever felt like what the forums said was true… double shield meta with Moira made me feel like my brain fell out of my skull. :mask:
so I’m scared that any of those “raise the skill cap” changes will make her feel like that again. I like to play mind games, it’s my thing.

Baptiste was so stupid. He was OP only because they way over-buffed him so they over-nerfed him. Great. Let’s not try any kind of in-between level or anything.


Exactly. Just revert the RoF and a few change to immortality… but no… DESTROY HIS WHOLE KIT INSTEAD!

Baptiste nerfs have to be the worst ever for a support IMO I’d rather have every support than him on my team. After his nerfs went live. I lost much SR going with a friend, we probably lost like every game after the Baptiste nerfs. It was on my alt thankfully lol. But it really affected him a lot.

Nobody talks about Baptiste though, they all talk about Mercy… but mercy is in a WAY better spot.

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I don’t want that, either. And honestly, it’s fine if you disagree with me. I don’t think Moira is “ez braindead OP” because that’s just ridiculous. I do think her effort-to-value is…odd, but then it caps really low and that’s why she’s not seen in high ranks until another main healer is banned, which is why I want her skill floor raised.

A net-nerf is just…out of the question. That’s not what I want at all. She’ll be on my team, I don’t want her to be trash lol

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I hate when Moira is the pick, people don’t play her properly at all, even at high ranks, EVEN IN OWL…

Watching another moira ult because the other one did is just… irritating as hell.

Unless your heal juice or team is low, you can just throw healing orb and LMB and outheal her ultimate, I’ve never had a problem outhealing Moira ult unless my team already critical lol

The stupid thing is Baptiste is pure numbers problems. His numbers were too low, so they gave him huge buffs. Then his numbers were too high, so they gave him huge nerfs.

The annoying thing is it was easy to see coming each way. The buffs were ridiculously large! And the nerfs undid all of it while leaving his IF worse than it was before the nerfs. Anyone could have seen than he’d be way too good, than way too bad.

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I HATE THIS. I hate when our Moira does it when theirs does it. It’s awkward. It’s a stalemate. It’s like an enemy Sombra hacking me after I EMP. It’s just awkward lmao

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