Flats top 500 tank main balance changes

My bad then, it just sounded like you were angry at me lol.

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Rein and Winston would be so unbelievabley broken.

He’s really gonna be surprised when Brig and Reaper has to be picked against that monster Winston is

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He was trolling, right?

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  1. The suggestions were a mixture of his own and chats’
  2. They are not meant as a “do every change for every hero” but rather “try some that seem reasonable, sample them, see if they’re any good”
  3. The list was for brainstorming as many ideas as possible (see above)
  4. OP’s list is woefully inaccurate.

I am making a full, updated list right now - if you’re interested in that, stick around in the thread (as of tonight because this is something he’s also going to be working on tomorrow).

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Ok so make rein busted as hell? Those changes add even less counterplay to him and also add another stupid one shot into the game.

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Very outdated kinda sadge, but I’m doing the work of updating the list for you.

The list is meant for brainstorming ideas. Not all of them were from Flats, several were from chat, and Team 4 is meant to pick and choose to try what sounds good. NOT pick all of them.

THIS LIST HAS MOVED. Please use the link below.

EDIT 1: Formatting started, opened up work on HTML.
EDIT 2: Formatting continued, hero changelog started.
EDIT 3: Hero changelog completed. Added HTML Anchors for quick navigation. Fixed Edit numbers.
EDIT 4: Moved to my own thread with a clearer OP to encourage healthy discussion with the up-to-date guide. You can find it here:

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Some changes are interesting but the majority are soo biased and stupid (I don’t care if he’s top 500) , I say my opinion to Dev changes and to everyone as I like .
no compensations with the changes , just a lot of buffs and some big buffs .
If u play the game very well and u belong to the top , it doesn’t mean automatically that u know how to balance ur role , u can be the stupidest person ever regarding balance ideas .

Just pointing this out. If you reply to this or any of my other comments, I will not be responding as I need to focus on producing an accurate list.

This is interesting… Are any other content creator involved in this?

I believe he hinted at it, due to the Roadhog changes having Cyx: 1 shots at the top in bold. Though I have not watched the entire segment, only fast-forwarded to just before he stops so that I can write down every change as accurately as possible.

Wow. Orisa wouldn’t even be able to peak with these changes.

  1. REMOVING HER E ABILITY ENTIRELY is… she can’t poke. She’d take damage CONSTANTLY and has NO WAY TO HEAL.
  2. Nerfing Fortify potency means she can’t push. Like, at all. No speed drop doesn’t make a difference if she has nowhere to go (plus 50 less hp).
  3. Halt on 2s is strong, but she’d need to peek to leverage it… which she can’t. And it makes Orisa SUPER reliant on teammates to follow up. She’d be like Mercy, except at least Mercy doesn’t need to be hard-pocketed to function.

This just turns Orisa into a larger version of New Bastion without the damage or mobility.

Apparently OP’s post is very inaccurate as to what happened, he was coming with as many ideas as possible from a mixture of himself and chat


I would very much hope it gets straightened out then. Do you know of a source where a more accurate breakdown is available?

Thought you were serious until I read this

Almost all the changes are terrible

LMAO this would make him the most broken hero in the game by a longshot

what’s this guy smoking


I expect better from Flats, some of these changes are insanely busted.

It ain’t for OW1, they won’t do any actual work on it so close to OW2 release.

This strikes me as another Samito Moira patch idea, although even dumber, which takes a great deal of effort. Probably because it’s crowdsourced.

Naturally, since it’s a content creator saying jump, Team 4 will ask how high.

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This list apparently is very stretched and isn’t accurate

Its because playing a game isn’t the same as understanding game balance or game design. people really underestimate this and just assume because they have a few hours on a character, they know how to buff and nerf them to keep the game fair.

Its why the community should be mostly ignored when it comes to game balance.

Okay, so from what I’m seeing his spitball list was of serious changes with a few silly changes thrown in, and for Orisa was more like:

  1. Orisa’s fortify is weaker and she can be headshot again, and she also moves slower.


  1. Remove shield entirely, she’s not slowed when shooting, has less health, Fortify is weaker (but can’t be headshot during), and Halt has a reduced cooldown.

(With a charge ability being considered on the side.)

That’s still not appealing. Plus, it’s disappointing how quickly he dismissed changes like having her barrier recharge like Sig. I wouldn’t care so much if it weren’t for…

The devs won’t consider these specific changes. But I’m worried they may think this is the general direction the community wants.

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