Flats (T500 Main Tank) [OW Team] Suggested Changes


It’s November 1st. Not April 1st.

Hey, fun is fun the other 364 days of the year too.

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Well, I wouldn’t say no to an out-of-season April fools experimental.

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Content creator Exp with cuckoo for cocoa puffs changes? Count me in.

(Would still like to see a serious CC and burst damage patch but fun it’s still fun).

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They could probably get away with throwing in a bunch of OW2 changes alongside of the wacky ones.

It’s crazy just how many changes they are implementing from the April Fools patch:

  • Baptiste has more direct grenade healing
  • D.Va’s Call mech now deals massive damage
  • Bastion weapon spread removed (OW2)
  • Reinhardt charge has power steering (OW2)
  • Sombra stealth changes implemented (OW2)
  • Zarya now has two bubbles on shared charges (OW2)
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I don’t mind such experiments. There is nothing going on for OW1 and such experiments bring freshness.

I wouldn’t mind experimental with beam extension to 14m and some damage compensation.

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Earthshatter is one of the biggest reasons why playing tank sucks.

Enemy has a Rein? Better play Rein, or chances are your team loses cause Rein gets free shatters.

No other tank forces a mirror like Rein.

Incidentally I wanna see that.

Where she has 2 charges, however each charge gives a bubble to herself and her ally.

Then give her some other fun ability on the extra cooldown button.

Well, if Shatter didn’t pierce through multiple enemies.

And antiheal got nerfed.

Then a Lucio or Zen Ult could mostly counter Earthshatter.

This is exactly what happened in the OWL card.

The pros were asked to come up with some changes just for a tourney, then they had a conversation with a gold player who presided over the final decisions.

This turned into “Don’t listen to OWL players!” in the community, which is rubbish obviously.

Let’s just take this card for what it is - a streamer making fun content with their viewers.

The problem with the community is they HAD to call it an April Fools experimental to test these things or people would go insane that they are breaking the game.

In an ideal world, we’d be able to test crazy changes like those all the time.

Well presently that’s not the case.

Shatter is most readily countered by:

  1. Barriers
  2. A well coordinated and mobile team

Number 2 mostly doesn’t exist on ladder, and number 1 has been nerfed across the board.

Lmao what is this? I won’t pretend I could ever come up with a decent list of balance changes for every tank but I most certainly could hide my bias way better.

…Do you know when a community card could happen? :thinking:


Is that what the experimental card is going to be used for from now until Overwatch 2? Basically just fun and crazy experiments and entertaining scenarios of “what if” instead of changes for balance purposes?

If so I’m not complaining, the game seems pretty stable with very few outliers so it seems appropriate.

I mean the reason that you do not really see as much Rein at the top is because there are other ways to deal with Rein beyond mirroring. You can run double shield into Rein; you can run Ball comps into Rein etc. because there are other ways to deal with a Rein beyond just going one yourself.


These changes are obv jokes, don’t bash Flats for it.

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I didn’t know you could nest kbd tags within kbd tags…