Flats interviewing Aaron Keller tonight (SUMMARY INCLUDED)

another pr thing to look good, not dificult questions about pve, lies, dissapointements, bad reviews


Well excuuuussseee me lol

I’m not talking about 6v6 or anything stupid like that

Maybe Aaron’s specific thoughts on a few particular characters balance, the troublesome ones, how they feel about them currently and what their goal is

Future plans, 2024/2025 roadmap etc.

being ignored would be a buff at this rate



This is the team that waited until 2 months before they released their butchered idea of PvE to tell us it was basically not happening: I don’t expect “reveals” anymore.

I want to know who the devs think is worth keeping an eye on from both the over and under performing side of stats.

I want to know why they suddenly decided to get heroes off of the BP: was this anything to do with MS, etc.

They never seem to talk about heroes specifically or provide insight around what’s happening internally through past interviews so I have never felt compelled to check them out at length.

Just vague notions of “we’re listening” and "we’re always looking to make the game better’ with no real explanation beyond maybe “we know -X- is a problem right now so we’re looking into that”

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he still could ask to put aaron against the wall, remember people the issues of this game, just because he woulnd say a good thing about it doesnt mean he should be quiet about it, make aaron look bad live could be good

“big things are coming to ow”


What does the future of overwatch hold for us?



Meh…he has very little to gain by going into balance details (kinda like coming on here)…plus he would prob delegate that to someone like Alec who probably knows the heroes better anyway (and he also does interviews from time to time)

I know some people with way too much time on their hands who would type out paragraphs of text way too long about that statement.

So you have my appreciation for putting them image of them furiously typing “IIIIIIIII’LL TEEEEELL YOOOOOOU DIFFEREEEEEENT” in my head.

My predictions are asking for Reinhardt buffs and Roadhog/Zen nerfs knowing Flats

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For anyone still interested It’s started.

he does? (20 characters)

Word he’ll be canceled faster the. Mr Lemon by Elon.

You don’t make it anywhere telling the truth all your famous streamers are learning that recently.

You either shill or become so big you can tell them to shove it.

Flats isn’t big enough to do that his entire channel would die without overwatch

im watching the interview and its so boring, the usual boring crap “we are working, we listen” and this flats guy “oh the game is good, you are the best game director ever”
ok im lying but the interview its so boring and the questions are safe and not single answer says anything important


Figured. He more than likely wants to keep a secure line with devs rather than potentially burning bridges

Just 2 bros having a casual conversation.

When me and the bros have a casual conversation, we should be 1 step close to getting a FBI raid on us

Aaron Keller just said healers :smiley:

me and my bros having a convo is a lot funnier because we actually say things to us, we dont are safe and clean

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like aaron keller or anyone working on a controversial game like overwatch would accept any interview where questions werent send like a week before so he have time to plan what to say and dont be against the wall