"flankers should counter healers"

Mb for counter mobility heroes needs more mobility heroes? Its fair to fight, but not tank in slot for supports who must kill flankers.

So you forgot overtime exist. these other heros they can play close to, don’t have a stun with no counterplay on a 5 second cooldown

Just let it go man, He won’t even acknowledge her win rate/ pick rate stats as meaning anything.

You are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one

Wrong. Overtime is the only time it’s important to constantly fight on the point. Other times, fights can easily happen away from it.

What’s more, Shield Bash has plenty of counterplay to it, you just have to not be monumentally ignorant to realize it. Destroy the shield and focus fire on Brigitte all at once, and there’s nothing that she can do to stop it. Even then, enough people cried about it all at once that the cooldown is (pointless) being extended to six seconds.

How many times do I have to explain it before you finally choose to stop being ignorant to it?


People can pick whoever they want, but that alone doesn’t determine whether or not a character is strong.

Win rates are the most pointless thing in the world to go off of on account of how bad players are carried, and good players are held back. It’s all team-based, even down to the calculations and tracking, hence why it’s impossible to take seriously. Smurfs, trolls, throwers, one-tricks and the like all FURTHER skew the data, meaning that you CANNOT use it as a fact.

your arguments are so laughable. keep believing what your saying, maybe if you believe hard enough youll get to diamond on a miracle. the character is busted the winrates, and must pick status alone say that. theres a reason the forums are littered with post about her.

I wasn’t talking to you. Just because you keep saying it doesn’t mean it’s not 100% wrong.

If you think the devs don’t use win and pick rates to help balance choices then you are sort of oblivious to how things work. Cause the have stated maybe times that they do

But you don’t have to take my word for it as you can see

Don’t like yah title but yeh, I agree with it. Mainly with the point that your tanks or dps do t necessarily help out the healer so some picks should be able to survive a few flankers.

Flankers should counter healers. It’s alright to have a healer dedicated specifically to bucking this trend and countering flankers instead.

My problem is more than Bridgerette counters nearly everyone. Flankers. Close-range DPS. Tanks.

Reaper isn’t a flanker. Rein isn’t a flanker.

Why does she chew through them like paper?

“Healers are punching bags for flankers”

[Laughs in Jjonak, Ark, Neptuno and RJhong]

I’m sorry but no. Healers are not punching bags. Zenyatta, Lucio, Moira and Ana are healers who are expected to duel enemy flankers. The only exception to these heroes is Ana, since certain shields leave her unable to fight back (Winston’s bubble and Defense Matrix).

If you’re playing as Zenyatta and you can’t land your shots at a discorded enemy flanker and you get killed for it is not because Zenyatta is a punching bag for flankers but because you’re bad at dueling and the enemy will abuse that little fact.

Mercy is arguably the weakest duelist of all healers since she can only focus on one thing at a time, which is a trade-off for very consistent healing and great utility (dmg boost and Rez). The enemy will take the fact the other team is playing Mercy and she won’t be defending herself most of the time. If a Mercy dies to a flanker is not because “she is a punching bag for flankers” but most of the times is because no one helped her or the enemy flanker outplayed her.

I can see where you’re coming from with the idea that “supports are free kills to flankers” since dueling flankers and winning the duel is pretty hard, but so is killing supports as flankers. Any team with decent gamesense knows that you should not leave your supports alone. Which brings up the point i somewhat agree with flankers:

Supports are not and should never be easy kills to flankers, since it would defeat their purpose entirely; but flankers shouldn’t be easy kills for healers either.

Which is why Brigitte is the issue and not, say, Every support that can defend themselves. Brigitte is EZ counterplay for flankers, Shield Bashing a flanker is something very easy to pull off and serves flankers on silver platter for you to combo or for your team to finish off. While i dont agree that flankers are not needed (because it’s their primary job to cripple and kill supports) i agree that making a subcategory instantly useless just because a hero exist in a match should not be celebrated.

Imagine the outrage there would be if Blizzard decided to add an anti-heals hardcounter to stop the current triple support meta. A hero whose specialty is to deny heals by harshly decreasing the hps a hero can get with the press of a button and having an ultimate that works like EMP does but instead of cancelling abilities, it cancels all sorts of healing; so the enemy stuck with the ultimate is unable to heal for a short period of time.


lol you don’t even realize you answer to yourself. medics have a primary job to treat injured soldier. their primary role isn’t to frag. the soldier themsef have a primary role to do damage to the enemies. medics indeed have weapons to defend themselfs (like ana’s sleep for example), but they really don’t want to be left alone in a fight to the death with an enemy soldier.

Yes and this is why.

Solider 76 uses his ult and has 4 DPS in front of him. How many people die in that fight?? Probably all of them.

Now Solider 76 uses his ult and has 4 tanks in front of him. How many die?Probably 0.

It’s much safer to have DPS or healing coming from a hero that pretty safe from most ults than it is from a hero that will go down in a few seconds.

This is why it’s a not brainer to replace a squishy hero with a a hero with high survivability if they have massive DPS or healing numbers.

It’s two types of people, the DPS who expect free kills and the Suicide Tanks. That’s the bunch of people who moan, because they have a harder life now, need to think more before acting. That is the same bunch of people who complained about Mercy, because they didn’t want to prioritize targets, they want to shoot and kill and do cool stuff in their POTG, without thinking about an objective or the team. This mentality needs to be fought against, instead of catered to.

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I mean, I am not gonna say that’s true because it actually isn’t easy to nail a headshot on the dome of a Genji/Tracer. That being said, I do think the Brigitte complaints are a bit out of proportion, especially when they talk about her “vast healing”.

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I guess reaper shouldn’t counter tanks then? And dva shouldn’t counter almost every dps?

The people suggesting DPS should beat supports or at least shouldn’t be killed by them don’t seem to get that EVERYONE in this game can do damage, some just have an easier time of it than others.

More specifically, there is no “DPS” role, there is offense (encourage aggression,) defense (strong area control/zoning,) tank (bruiser/bully,) and support (healer.) And… this one’s important so pay attention… there’s no rule explicitly written anywhere stating that healers should be unable to kill “DPS.”

Just saying, what people are confusing for “DPS” are really just heroes that got movement or ranged abilities instead of mitigation and/or healing abilities.

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Yeah and a single hero can counter 5/6 tanks.
wtf are you high
(this hero is brigitte)

Again you just go in caps i’m wrong by points YOU make what makes you the god off all creation and your word is law?

And if anyone chooses to be ignorant it is you and only you. You are in complete denial there is an issue you just say she does low damage has short range so should not be an issue there is way more to it than that.

All counters you mention are not widely played with the exception of junkrat so people and not all counters you mention are garantueed counters. I also play a ton off doomfist you only counter her if you surprise her if she sees you first you are toast.

ANd on her ult it already is getting nerfed the first thing they are nerfing even so yeah kind of muted that point.

And you use math as examples this does x damage it does not work like that it is her sustain that makes her stronger not the damage she does sure you can do more damage but if i can outlive you you will eventually die and spending that time knock backed and/or stunned also lowers your damage you do to her.

So again and for the last time come with actual facts not your own facts which are not supported or stop defending a broken hero.

Well the one i am discussing with is Plat and thinks he is the god of overwatch a bit delusional to say the least it is one of the best ults in the game hence the nerf.

well say… dive meta players are trying to keep they place in game at all cost but they are doom to flex and change heros…funny how full is this forums about brigitte is op when she is so vulnerable to range dps.
Remenber the argument about 1 tricks “off meta hero”, they say those heros are ez to counter so you must learn other hero, well here its your own words, take then and stop using genji & tracers if you been counterd and use a freak range dps.

Excuse me, but at what era exactly did Moira, Lucio, or Mercy get hard countered by flankers? if anything, their entire kits are anti-flanker.

Mercy in particular has remained a must pick, even post nerf, in dive meta. She keeps Zen alive and is usually one of the last heroes to die in team fights.

Lucio. Most top tier Tracer players will tell you to not even bother with Lucio until late fight - that’s how hard to kill he is!

And Moira… well we all know Moira can just easily duel any flanker, with minimum skill required, and either escape or win. Not to mention she has an ability on a 6s CD that hard counters both Pulse Bomb AND Dragonblade.

Zen is truly weak against flankers in a 1v1, but with a little peel from his team he can literally murder them.

Even Ana is not that weak to flankers. A 1v1 match-up is like 40% in her favor. She gets hard countered by Winston/D.Va, not Genji or Tracer.

Flankers are now “situational picks”? Excuse me? At what situation exactly would you pick a flanker in the current meta?