Fixing Brig issue easily with 1 step

This is how it would be done.

Brig can no longer stop a charging Reinhardt or DF. Stun no longer works on them. They become an unstoppable force to her. She will always get pinned. This automatically gives her 2 counters to stay away from.

Honestly, I think Reinhardt should be the top unstoppable force. DF should never win a head to head with Reinhardt.

So Reinhardt charges all
DF cannot punch a charging Reinhardt but can hit Brig while she bashes.

I think we fixing multiple issues at once.

Edit: The following Brig changes would replace the current changes in the PTR. The current nerf would not go live.

Sounds good OR
Step 1: Delete her
Ok chill guys, I can already feel the heat from the mob’s torches. It’s a joke

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I saw it coming and I am glad you were the first to crack the joke lol

But seriously wouldnt this solve a ton of issues???

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Yes, but wouldn’t Reinhardt become even more strong?

Yes. IMO Ashe does what Brig was supposed to do but without being as cancerous. But the devs have put too much work into her and a lot of Brig mains would get angry and crash the forums. Not worth.

Since she enables Rein…no

yes, step one would make the game playable once more. I may even consider playing it over litERALLY ANY OTHER GAME, if they happen to nerf skilless, unfun, waste-of-your-life-and-my-life heroes (aka brig, moira)

I mean I never thought Reinhardt was some crazy force with his charge before DF or Brig even existed.

He was still stopped by McCree’s flash, Mei’s Wall, Road’s Hook, and so on.

I was shocked when DF was able to punch Reinhardt during charge when he came out anyway,

Players still want to see Brigitte nerfed even after her hard nerfs ? … Wow

No, I mean this nerf instead of what she is getting now.

this would just be wildly inconsistent, and either of these heroes need to do currently is bait SB out. Especially easy for doom with his 4 sec CD

… i didnt see anything about this on ur Post there is nothing about revert Brigitte PTR Nerfs :thinking::woman_shrugging:t2::hamster:

I guess since Brig’s new nerfs have not officially gone live I am making it sound like we still have a chance test something different on PTR. Maybe set her current nerf ideas off to the side, far away, and in the garbage bin.

I will fix it to where the reader understands and I am not trying to convey a message telepathically lol

I mean, it would make things better, but these two heroes were already good against her.

That said, I’d like to see this Symmetra idea go into effect:

Eh, now your treading into ultimate territory. You’ve got to think that Moria’s ultimate already does this and Sym’s would be a lot more powerful even with the range being shorter.

I would rather just give her the autolock move back.

Not really. Sym used to have barrier piercing on her secondary.

And this would be balanced out by her lower starting firepower, lowish range, lowish HP, no self sustain and no instant escape (teleporter takes forever to deploy).

Even at maximum damage, at 180dps, she’s only doing a little more than Soldier at 170dps.
And that takes 3.2 seconds to build up to. Before that it’s a piddling 60DPS and 120DPS.

Meanwhile Reaper can jump into and slightly above Rein’s shield and shoot for 280DPS on body or 560DPS on headshot.

She was so hardly played I actually dont remember her starting out with a secondary attack that could pierce shields.

I started playing Overwatch around 3 months after its release.

She had shield piercing up until the recent rework she had.

So, for over 2 years.

Incidentally, what do you think about replacing Brig’s 1 second stun, with 1.5 seconds of disabiling primary fire (and alt fire that uses the same ammo).

Honestly just be grateful Brigitte’s on par and gets counter charged as well. It’s fair, what wasn’t fair was when Brigitte stopped charges with no repercussion

tbh I think that the best thing you can do with brig is give her the ptr nerfs. after that, make her shield a cool down ability so that whenever she puts up shield it is locked and last around 3 seconds with a cool down after. a buff to the shield health would also be needed for this. Overall this makes brig a harder hero to play as people have to think on how they will use shield. also, this would make brig stop hard countering tracer as tracer can wait for shield to be on cooldown to come in.

Yeah and then start an endless toxic spiral of any new hero being subjected to being deleted just because a group doesn’t like them.