Fix Your Trash Game

How is it possible to lose 10+ games in a row out of nowhere? I’ve won 1 f-ing game in 3 days!

I was Plat 1 on support constantly being matched with diamonds and masters and able to carry my weight in those games. I was very close to hitting diamond before this massive loss streak. My gameplay hasn’t changed at all.

Now I’m in gold 1 and still can’t win games down here despite having some of the best numbers in the lobby every single game. The skill difference is obvious. I can go entire games without dying once while outputting the same healing as both my enemy supports combined and still lose. I can match my dps damage wise and still lose.

I constantly get a support who doesn’t heal, dps who can’t kill anything let alone counter pick. I can support them with healing, discord, antis, damage boost…nothing I do matters. My tanks are usually OK though they often feed and die.

To rub salt on the wound, the upcoming rank decay will probably drop me to silver or bronze where I’ll be forced to endure even more braindead teams.

So my options right now are to smurf for free (and still lose!) or uninstall after 4 years. I’ll be choosing the latter since I value my time and sanity. And I hope you continue to bleed players because you incompetents don’t deserve them.


unlucky. gg and go next.

Playing the game like the phrase above ^^ is how you should aproach a game like overwatch (imo)

Why rant about some unlucky games that u lost while u couldve just cleared ur mind and queue up again.

I get the frustration of losing multiple matches in a row, but what are you gonna gain from typing this all?

just try to improve ur mindset and ur gameplay, and you’ll do better overtime

I had ur mindset too when i started playing ow but i’m glad it changed for the better.


Stop playing ranked in season 2 and wait for the new improved MM of the season 3.

If nothing change in s3, go for a better game.


I went “gg go next” about 17 times now. Terrible advice.

This isn’t a “rant”. It’s a consumer providing feedback.


Is your Win rate above 50%?

After all these losses? My highest is 52%

Before? I easily had 70% or above winrate.

90% of these losses were stomps too. 0-3. It’s actually comical how rigged these games look and feel.

I decided to look at the profiles in my last few games. The enemy team has a diamond dps. Naturally, I get a silver Bastion otp.

Game before that? Gold tank who fed his brains out.

In my last game I had a Bap who had 540 healing/damage for several minutes while I had 2k heals on Zen. I had to switch not that it mattered.

I just sat back in awe watching my team make the same mistakes…over and over again. Trying to 1v5. It’s like I was in a bronze game…



I say this to myself everytime. S2 has been the worst experience of overwatch I’ve ever felt.

And i empathize with OP.

Get too good and your opponents could be GM as a plat player. Been there…a pre determined outcome for sure.

Cross fingers for season 3.


Why do you waste time writing such garbage? This person is talking about their frustrations with the game, something most of us share, and so you make it your mission to make it even worse.

Good for you.


Before my departure, I decided to play a game of dps.

Once again, I had the best stats on my team 32 elims/11k dmg per 10 on Soldier and still lost because my supports instalock Brig and Lucio all game against Bap and Ana. The Lucio even switched to Moira to dps and then Zen.

Why does the game expect me to carry every time?

Why do I get matched with players who don’t understand basic hero comps? You don’t have to be a gm to realize Brig sucks rn and that Brig/Lucio/Zen is not enough sustain against a Torb/Sojourn/Bastion comp.



I have 0 hopes for the changes for the next season. OW is not a competitive game. The MM system leads to the worst and most toxic experience I’ve ever played in a game like this.

Nice skins. Good gameplay. Terrible MM and competitive mode.


It’s baffling to me how they continue to push these horrid changes to the game.

What genius gave the green light to decay players every season, for example? Every “update” they just ruin the game even further.

They take something away or ruin it then “fix” the problems they create, after leaving an open wound to fester for months and expect praise? It’s one step forward two steps back with this team.

Season 3 will be the same bs with a different coat of paint. Given their abysmal track record there’s a 100% chance they will F something else up that will ruin the season.


Sounds like it placed you too high.


I climbed (slowly) from silver 4 to plat 1. I was able to keep up at that level of gameplay (I wasn’t being carried) so that’s how I know I belong that high.

Not to mention, I was frequently placed in diamond games (and performed well there) so my mmr is at least diamond level

Look, I’m fine with being high plat. I don’t need to be diamond. But gold? I refuse to accept that. It’s much to slow for me.



Don’t play comp during the last week (or first week) of a season…

Especially if you are NOT on the extreme ends of the bell curve.

Your games will be awful as “casuals” and smurfs collide in your matches.

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I usually follow that advice, but my los streak occured before the season end.

The season rank decay placed me too low (gold). I eventually got back to plat 3 and things went south.

Again, it makes no sense that a player who was comfortable two divisions above plat 3 would struggle in low plat.

It only makes sense when you take a look at the incompetents I keep being paired up with. I solo heal every single game because my other support is useless. My dps are always outclassed.

That’s not a me problem.

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Went from plat5 to silver 2 in season 1, then climbed back to plat 4 and now I probably win 1 of 4 of 5 games.

Currently calibrated 3 times in a row in gold 4 and expect to decline even more.

Games provided by mmr are complete trash.


A terrible experience I can relate all too well with, unfortunately.

The worst part is when you can’t even win when you’re punching down. Like, how far will we have to drop before we can win again? Bronze 5?

This game makes you feel impotent like no other.


It definitely is a rant. Or else, all “rants” could be seen as feedback.

Some people don’t realize they’re either ranked too high, or that their mindset is making them throw. People notice you losing 12 games and they will avoid you.

This isn’t complicated.

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This isn’t garbage at all, nor does it make it worse lol. This is a GREAT mentality to have or adopt. I guess some people don’t have the mental to do so, which I understand since we’re all different, but approaching Overwatch as a “gg go next” will improve your experience a thousand fold.

If the game isn’t for you right now then there’s good reason to uninstall, nothing wrong with that! You have to do what’s best for you.

It’s handicapping at work. I had the same issue, constantly losing (11 in a row at one point) while putting up the best stats. I ended up dropping to gold. Then I kinda got tired of even trying and basically played like my teammates for a game or two. Of course I instantly started to get competent teams again and climbed back plat 2.

For a while this season it was matching me with masters, gm’s, top 500’s as well and I even beat a top 500 tank as tank. I wonder if the algorithm “predicted” that result or not. So yea it makes zero sense at all. I quit for the season and currently waiting for season 3 changes to maybe give the game one last chance.