Fix your inactivity "remover"

Not going to make this thread in bug report, cause I think it´s intentional and not bug. It was second point, Paris and one of those groups of enemies, that was not trying to walk to the point for the whole time. I was waiting there as Rein with bastion and it was mess as people were chasing each other around point, but nobody was really attacking it or working as a group. I was walking around to not get kicked, but still got alert, that I will be kicked for inactivity. I tried fire strike, running, chasing one enemy - nothing helped. I had to jump into the enemy backline to get killed and that stopped that timer. Like seriously? It´s not my fault, when game like this happens, why feeding is the only way, how to break the timer, to not get removed from game? This is not the first time this happend.

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There are two inactivity rules to be aware of.

First you must stay moving within 45 seconds to avoid being kicked.

However, there is a rule there if you fail to successfully deal damage or heal an ally within 3 minutes, you will also be kicked.

If you think neither apply, file a bug report.


Well, yeah, as Rein on empty point defending with bastion, that will be the case. Still a bit harsh considering heroes like Reinhardt for example. But thanks for helpful tips.

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No problem, and if any player is failing to participate in the battle, report them using the “Inactivity” reason.