Fix the match making pls :c

Idk how many times I’ve gone against a six stack while my entire team is solo players… I know it can be done but dang I don’t wanna go against 6 people who are actively talking while I have only me in team chat 🥲🥲


Your only option is to stop playing. Blizzard have made it perfectly clear that they are not willing to change a single thing about matchmaking; if you feel that it’s broken then go play another game.

Maybe smash bros is more your speed.


You need to encourage your team to join Voice Chat, stay positive and you will experience that people are more willingly to join and talk in Voice Chat

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I actually hate that game lmao but ty

I feel your pain. Honestly, even if I am going against a team that isn’t a 6 stack I still have a team that for the most part does not use their mics and at times even listen in. It’s just another part of playing comp that makes it so frustrating to play. I have taken a break from comp just because the teams don’t communicate and work together. I find a lot of players are always just wanting to do their own thing and that’s not how things work in a team base game.

Don’t worry my dude been there done that - they refuse or are unable to change things for better, either way this already dead game will die even more in 3 days when Apex arena comes out, so we can play a game for which devs actually care for