Fix Syms primary please!

I’ve thought of 3 ways to help Symmetra (not all at the same time). 250 hp (50 being armor or shields). Less time to set up a TP and give it a little longer to be up, and reduce the CD on her turrets slightly (it’s pretty much her primary damage dealer unless you are godly with her rmb).

Meanwhile, “Why won’t Blizzard implement my suggestions!?!!?22?11?!11”

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Could do all three of those and she would still be lacking, her turrets are dificult they are in a state of flux they are both powerful and useless at the same time. another 50 shield would be nice but still wont fix her core issue. and TP is so buggy its a meme

so you have a primary that obliterates tanks and secondary that obliterates squishies with a massive hitbox

I have this strange feeling that 99% of the new symm complaints are L2P issues

I’d say remove the beam, put orbs on primary fire, put her previous moving shields on secondary fire.
But honestly, I’d revert Sym way harder than I would revert Mercy and I’m pretty unhappy with the current state of both. The “hide-and-protect-the-shield-gen” minigame was at least fun, the new telly is just pure meh.

Added to the megathread. Thanks.

I have a primary that does next to nothing to a tank even though it was sold as a tank buster and a secondary that is nowhere near as useful against squishies compared to her old primary its a huge still slow moving considering you have to charge it attack its a budget Pharah rocket. people make out like her secondary is some god send perfect weapon its not it just seems amazing compared to her dog $h!t primary fire. i have NO issue playing current Sym i have a lot of issues with the fact half the mechanics to the character i loved were ripped out and replaced with cheap versions of other hero attacks that don’t even fit her!

Since when was a 4 second charge (if you can find a barrier that the enemy will not obliterate you for standing in front) 90 DPS considered tank busting?

Oh, you thought it was 180 dps? With 20 tickrate Symmetra’s amazing tankburster deals exactly half damage against armor…I wonder what most tanks have…oh right, armor.

Even besides that 180 DPS, which is ony if you maintain a 100% accuracy is not exactly amazing DPS in the first place, especially since it has limited range and cannot headshot.

For comparison, Soldier racks of 171 dps (19 damage a shot out to 30 meters, 9 shots per second). He needs no charge up, has over double the range, is far less affected by armor (-45 damage per second as opposed to Symmetra’s -90) and, and this is the big one, can headshot.


Certainly this will be addressed eventually. The primary fire is indisputably problematic. It’s like, this is why they rework heroes. To make them consistent! Like new Torb…

Her primary fire was a weird one it was weak for the first stage the second it did respectable damage and the third it dealt consistent high damage i honestly cant believe they made it even more inconsistent its sort of astounding


So many people like us have these middle-ground tweaks that could have been applied to 2.0, and just like us, we’ve been suggesting viable options since the rework was a concept.

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Symmetra has had alot of “eventually’s” already, it is getting kinda tiresome.