Fix smurf problem

Can you guys fix smurf problem?

The competitive is unplayable. If you put me into bronze rank, why would you match me again and again with gold/plat players on new accounts?

Where is promised 50% win rate? One day I lose 20 games in the row and drop to bronze and then it takes another week of 85% win rate to climb back up to high silver. Then again 20 lost games where your team is completely smashed - bronze Ash with perfect aim - bronze Tracer one handedly kills the whole team.

Throwers, leavers …

The competitive game is looking like a complete trash.


While smurfs are an issue, if you truly plan on climbing to the highest of ranks, you do know EVERYONE is that skill right? I realize playing against them while going through Bronze, Silver, Gold, and so on isn’t ideal, but aren’t they at the ideal skill level you want to reach?

Also we aren’t promised a 50% win rate, only the possibility of a 50% win chance. Once you hit a 50% win rate, you’ve basically hit your skill ceiling until you change your play style.

I have no problem with skill. I have been playing the game for awhile and I know what you can and cannot expect from your bronze/silver team mate.

I have problems with people purposly gaming that system - smurfs - “just to kill noobs”.

Why Blizz cannot be more transparent and display true MMR they use for matching? The unfairness is very well summarized here.


In all honesty, while Cuthbert did fantastic work tracking down all the information in that thread, there is no actual proof to anything in it, I will give him props for that much, but outside of the hard work put into it, it’s all conspiracy theories, and hearsay. Everyone has different opinions, play styles, and outcomes.

Perhaps … but I found quite a few simularities actually.

You’re trying hard, calculating every move, playing your best and the games are getting harder and harder and you keep loosing.

… and then you just gave up, you are on a loosing streak, you literally don’t give a sh#t and play like a bot. And guess what, you start getting people who actually have the game sense and suddenly you are winning again. You are simply getting carried.

The game literally kicks you up in SR.

That’s a joke!

Happend to me several times in a last few months.

The best way to fix the smurf problem is just to get better than all of them.

Getting rid of smurfs is easier said than done.

Even if we were to see the true MMR, which could be useless for us since it could be a number like 0.54243824724, 1.346587236842684 or -3 to 3 that resets after each rank.

It’s inconvenient to read and maybe sometimes gives people the wrong idea.

Do note that smurfs manipulate the MMR system.
Since the system doesn’t change fast, you’ll see smurfs stomping you with the same MMR.
It’s correct that PBSR affects all ranks under Diamond, though it’s not significant enough that it pulls you up after stomping 4 times and throwing a few matches.

So smurfs can’t just simply be taken out by changing the MMR system.

The blue collars always read and moderate these forums. Yet when smurfing is brought up they are actively ignored. Even if its your first post about it, expect to have it deleted or to get suspended or even banned for 3k years for ‘trolling’

Blizz KNOWS about smurfing, but it benefits them. I am not saying they don’t care, they obviously do as much as they defend and hide it.

I just wish Overwatch 2 has a monthly payment system that can defeat the purpose of smurfing. I would be willing to pay $5 a month just for some damn anti cheat or something.

Just play quickplay.