First time playing any shooter. Best advice?

Being slow is a big no no. Don’t stand still, don’t move to a point on your screen at the speed of a turtle, don’t hesitate. Always be looking around. Information is power

If you do not want to use super low sens and a HUGE mouse pad, mouse surface is more important then anything. using a slippery mouse pad the only way to get decent acc is to use a really low sens. IF you use a cloth or better a rubber mouse pad you can use a much MUCH higher sens, Alot of people do not understand this and simply spout about LOW sens being the end all. I play with 7-9k dpi and 7 ingame, have about 40% acc on just about everyone.

Overwatch is honestly a bad place to start and could very well kill your fledgling interest in the genre.

This! A lot of THIS! Play vs AI to enjoy the heroes. Comp has alot to it thats not just mechanical skill and if you dont know it, the toxic response is insane in this game. If you just want to play the game and have fun, Ignore all competitive all together and play vs AI and fun Arcade modes.

I was thinking more along the lines of how absurdly punishing this game can be with all of the one shots and how less then perfect is so often not good enough.

Ooo didnt think of that, tho its yet another thing that isn’t in vs AI that you can enjoy the game without, lol.

turn off your mouse acceleration in windows mouse settings
use headphones they make a big difference in FPS games
trust me forcing yourself to use something that you are not comfortable with could ruin the experience for you so don’t really care about what people say about your sens

play whatever gamemode you like but i wouldn’t get in comp without learning all the heroes and abilities
if you got exhausted by playing so many quick matches and stuff you might go and try custom games they are silly fun
go kill a rein boss or somethin

try all the heroes atleast once
try all the roles atleast 10 matches or so because every role have quite a unique playstyle and understanding them will help you in general and some of them become way more fun after understanding them espacially tanking(imo)
Oh and don’t main she is mine


It is important to have low expectations on skill and high expectations on fun.

For the first 50 - 100 hours just play to have fun and learn from your mistakes. Don’t feel bad when people make fun of you or yell at you. Just report them.

Try every hero for 5 - 10 hours each so you get a feel for them. Pick your favorite 3 and then try and improve upon them.

Once you feel fairly confident with a hero jump into competitive mode.

Don’t use voice chat if the thought of people saying nasty words to you is likely to upset you.

The fact that you’d make a thread like this to begin with would suggest you might fall at least somewhat into that category.

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Play Brigitte. She’s fun and very easy. No aim required.

Don’t stand still, and don’t be afraid to attempt wild shots. The more you attempt them, the more you build your muscle memory to eventually succeed at them.

And, as with anything, be self critical. Mistakes are opportunities to learn; don’t let bad teammates or unlucky loss streaks rob you of the opportunity to improve.

Don’t join chat and ignore everyone in game.

If your wanting to get into other FPS games I recommended playing hit scan characters such as McCree Widow Ash or Soldier 76 as the skills you learn with those characters will transfer over into other games. Hit scan weapons are instantaneous and the game scans to see if your cross hair is over the hit box of someone to decide if you did damage. Although they aren’t meta, but that might change. You’ll do the most damage with your shots if you shoot someones head with some exceptions like shooting Bastion when he’s in turret mode you can shot his blue box on his back (although you might want to settle for body shots with him), or that some characters can’t land head shots. Also There are allot of easier characters that can be more fun and sometimes more impactful for new comers so try them all out and decide for yourself what fits you.

In this game there’s an objective if your playing quick play or ranked. Either push the payload, or control a point (sometimes capture the flag but that’s still in arcade mode) All you have to do is stand next to the objective with no enemies around to to capture points or push the payload. There’s also overtime if time runs out and both sides are still fighting over the objective.

Tanks don’t have threat like in wow they have other means of reducing damage to their team. Like Reinhardt has a large barrier and D.Va has defense matrix. The barrier blocks most things but there are a few things that pass through it like melee attacks, Morai’s orb/ult, and rien fire strike just to name a few. D.Va’s defensive matrix intercepts projectiles and works on morai’s orb and rien fire strikes. These abilities are so strong they can sometimes protect there team from ultimates.

Ultimates are your q ability by default. They’re your ace in the hole. If used the right way they have the power to completely change a fight. You get them not just by time but by how much damage/healing you do, and are displayed in the middle-bottom of the screen.

Oh dear god is mouse acceleration on by default. Im so used to games finally leaving it off that I didn’t even bother to check.

I’ll play with you if you want some training.

Have you ever played a first person game of any kind? If not, get used to the viewpoint, walking around the map, fluidly looking where you mean to and learning how to tell where things are by sound. I mention these because these are basics that can’t be learned by watching streamers or reading guides. Once you have this, learn the maps and how the characters of the game interact, both within their team, and with the enemy.

As for aim, usually your mouse DPI x your OW mouse sensitivity should ideally be under 10000; many serious players go much lower for more control but I find that 10000 is a good starting point for people who aren’t used to moving the mouse across large distances all the time. Take the time to experiment and get comfortable.

This is low for those who are not arm aimers or can’t be due to desk space/movement issues.

I run 3.2 sens and 1800 dpi. It’s perfect for me as a primary wrist/forearm aimer. If I had more desk room and didn’t have mobility issues, the lower dpi would work for me. But in this case, it does not and that extra edpi is better for me.

Not everyone can arm aim, especially if they’re used to wrist aiming or have never aimed with a mouse before.

Here ya go.

Best advice is to go to my bastion thread. :wink:

(Shameless link): ❤️ 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭

When entering a new FPS, regardless of what game it is, i always pick medic. As a medic you can heal yourself, as well as not be expected to be aggressive. You just follow the more experienced teammates around, learning how the game works, what players do, healing yourself when you get damaged and healing teammates with what’s left over.

In Overwatch, the first hero i would recommend is Zenyatta (If you’re an experienced FPS player, Soldier would actually be a medic in other FPSes so he’s a good choice too). You can stay safely far in the back, away from danger, heal whoever’s in front of you and just follow everyone around.

Doesn’t get any easier than that.