First or Last place in scoring

Does anyone have a code for a game that utilizes/tracks who is in first place or last place on the scoreboard? I’ve tried to code this myself but to no avail. I need to see the code to grasp it I guess.

Why don’t you respond in your other thread to the same topic? Player that is currently winning question

yeah I guess I could have done that… sorry :frowning:

I’m surprised this isn’t built in automatically (highest score/lowest score). I want to be able to buff the player in last place, and nerf the player in first.

Here is how I calculate top 3 players in my 4738Z game mod:

rule("Calculate top players")
		Ongoing - Global;

		Global.StartFlag == 3;
		Global.FinishFlag == False;

		Global.Top1 = First Of(Sorted Array(All Players(All Teams), Distance Between(Current Array Element, Global.BaseFinishLocation)));
		If(Entity Exists(Global.Top1) == False);
			Global.Top1 = Custom String("free slot");
			Global.Top2 = Custom String("free slot");
			Global.Top3 = Custom String("free slot");
			Global.Top2 = First Of(Sorted Array(Remove From Array(All Players(All Teams), Global.Top1), Distance Between(Current Array Element,
			If(Entity Exists(Global.Top2) == False);
				Global.Top2 = Custom String("free slot");
				Global.Top3 = Custom String("free slot");
				Global.Top3 = First Of(Sorted Array(Remove From Array(Remove From Array(All Players(All Teams), Global.Top1), Global.Top2),
					Distance Between(Current Array Element, Global.BaseFinishLocation)));
				If(Entity Exists(Global.Top3) == False);
					Global.Top3 = Custom String("free slot");
		Wait(1, Ignore Condition);
		If(Entity Exists(Global.Top1) == True && Global.LastTop1 != Global.Top1);
			Global.LastTop1 = Global.Top1;
			Big Message(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("{0} leads the race!", Global.LastTop1));
		Loop If Condition Is True;

More info about me and my game mods you can find here.
Feel free to comment my ideas.