Fine, Mercy is balanced

Isn’t that a thing with all heroes?


I do not understand how it can be said that mercy is now balanced. This is also demonstrated by its negative win rate. From main support, it should be able to handle the damage suffered by the main tank, but with 50 hps it does not have it. Now it is an off support without ultimate defensive.
No nerf was needed, because mercy was favored by the meta of the double snipers.
It is neither funny nor useful.
EDIT: Furthermore, with whom do you synergize among the support? With zen now you can not, the tank risks too much. Perhaps with moira and ana, but as I said lacking ultimate defensive.


Let’s agree to disagree.

I’ll give you the answer a lot of Mercy mains respond to me with when I saw Valk is more fun than mass rez… “fun is subjective”


Why do you think she’s balanced? Nothing supports this.

I want at least her 60 hps back… it feels terrible to heal and valkyrie charges noticable slower, and healing tanks feels so discouraging… it’s awfull

I played her for 360 hours before the rework and after I tried adapting and put 50 more in. Now I dont want to play her anymore because thanks to e-rez and valk her playstyle changed to the worse for me.
Her base gameplay is still nice and good but she lacks the heroic moment she had with her old mass-rez. For e-rez it destroys her fluent gameplay since it stops you and doesnt allow you to heal while performing it.

They should put her rez on ult again since it is her most powerful ability anyway and get rid of valk. Mercy needs a higher skill ceiling again and Silawatsi linked Titaniums thread which suggests a skillshot. That thread shows the rework Mercy needed all along and not this terrible abomination we have right now.

Mercy is supposed to be pretty beginner friendly I think so I don’t think they should try and make her ‘harder’ to play. I always thought she was a bit boring, but at least she’s balanced now.


Only if you play Mercy only and not the other supports. As someone who plays other supports but not Mercy, her being balanced is overwhelmingly more important than her being fun - I never found her fun anyway, but I love playing all of the other supports, the vast majority of which were totally unusable in competitive during Mercy dominance.

So, yeah. Balance is actually really important. It just isn’t important to you, because you were the beneficiary of the bad balance, not the one who suffered for it.


This is how I feel every match :blush:

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I don’t know about you but NO Mercy main asked to be able to perform upwards of 25+ Resurrects in a game, that’s the “balance” team that reworked her that thought that was okay.

Her kit was always like this,why are you saying that she is boring now?
actually as the time passed she got a new ability,so she should be less boring doesn’t she?

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You guys sure fought the nerfs you needed like absolute crazy.

I didn’t, but thanks for generalizing me <3

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Ok, I suppose that wasn’t fair.

But seriously, you need to understand how much this all sucked for the other supports. Ana has been playable for what, like a tenth of the time she’s been in the game? Moira was viable for like a month. So Mercy’s bad balance has been ruining the game for tons of people. It really is a huge deal for non-Mercy players.

I know it was a huge deal because I play a ton of Ana, and I didn’t like playing Mercy either.

And no, Ana has had her share of being overpowered as well, possibly moreso than Mercy at the highest levels of play. Moira is eh.

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What, so Mercy deserves to be in the dumpster as penance?

I will reiterate my original point:

This is a video game that people play to have fun.

If a character isn’t fun, they need to be changed so they are fun. Do you want to know why people keep freaking out about Mercy nerfs?

It’s because nerfing Mercy won’t fix the problem. And the Mercy players freaking out know that, and are incredulous that the devs haven’t admitted their mistake and reworked Mercy again months ago.

Many Mercy players already knew that she’d be opaf when the rework hit live over a year ago, and we knew that the only way for it to be balanced would be to gut it until playing Mercy became a chore.

The current design has been doomed from the start, and has hit a dead end. Video game characters need to be fun to play. Mercy needs another rework to make her fun again.


No, not really.

But her balance is a huge deal to people who don’t play Mercy, which is most players. So it needs to be maintained. Actually, I don’t really care how Mercy plays as long as she is not better than the other healers. I’m simply very worried that meddling with her again could make her overpowered again.

Also, I think a lot of the people who don’t like the current Mercy really just don’t like Mercy’s base play style, and should probably just look to other heroes to play. Their complains about her mirror the ones I’ve always had, but instead of trying to make Mercy into something she isn’t, I just played someone else.

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Tanks aren’t fun? I BEG to differ.

Oh I didn’t say I felt that way…but that’s not an uncommon sentiment around here