Fine. I'll Say It

I’m talking about armor, not over heal. You were not able to waist a 5 seconds cooldown on a teammate genji so he could go and flank the enemy supports. With 3 repair packs though, it became much easier to spam them on your diving heroes.

That’s pretty much what it was back then. It added armor on top of your max hp. The difference was it was far easier for her to proc healing in 1.0. When they made proc harder they had to compensate.


I was thinking what if they…removed like 95% of it’s annoyance?

Let’s imagine they reduced the stun to like 0.1sec.

Then what sorts of buffs could she get in return?

Maybe a 300hp barrier, shieldbashing through barriers, and 50 damage on shield bash?

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Never said anything about skill. Re-read the bold statement again.

Check the OW patches history, it does work exactly as I said.

Genji has very normal projectile mechanics, even when he is a projectile himself.
Torb is a “construct” , not very common, somewhat FPS but always underpowered, because the turret has autoaim. Same with Sym turrets.
Bastion is a construct himself : Regular “humanoid” form, then turret, then tank. 66% of their forms are not really like a FPS hero, like from Crysis or Doom for example.

Again, it is what it is:
The more the hero is close to a normal FPS hero, the LESS inclined they are on nerfing it because its natural aim/positioning has a natural skill cap/ceiling learning curve.

There are 75 replies

Why does OP not have more than 75 likes?

Yes but we ended up with the unintended playstyle that is “give a repair pack to your divers” and as you know, tracer with 150hp was already annoying enough, so a tracer with chip damage resistance and 200hp is even worse. Tracer was not designed with 200hp for a reason.

Eh… posts like this make me realize even if the developers are not perfect… at least they understand game design.

Again, a strat ONLY being used at the top ranks that the rest of us are being punished for.

Personally, because I don’t like the design idea. I don’t think it solves the problem.

You should know by now that reverting nor compensation is not in this teams dictionary.

There aren’t any design ideas. Just an identifying of the problem.

i would say this is true up to a certain threshold where there are cases like in lol where they did a juggernaut rework and the character gangplank had a something like a 90% winrate in games where he wasnt banned. but since mirrors exist in ow i would say winrate could matter if the pickrate was also high and the need to take into account games where the hero in question is not mirrored is extremely important since it would give a better view into how the hero interacts with other characters.

The design idea was to make armor pack proportional to HP. Which pretty meh when you think about how it would effect or be irrelevant on Tanks.

True, but this is also Class Based FPS game, where tradtional FPS heroes are not all that exist. The other Classes or Heroes exist as alternative option for people who maybe aren’t the best at dueling, but are good at prediction, strategy, positioning, etc.

Engineer, Spy, Medic, these heroes were anything but traditional FPS heroes, but they were still fun and loved by their playerbase, and still have potential. The problem with Overwatch’s versions of these, is they are oversimplified by Blizzard, and makes it seem like the playerbase can’t handle depth or complexity.

That’s why I brought up Skill, there’s more than one way to show you’re good at the game. And Blizzard should reward that sort out of the box way of playing it it’s fair and reasonable.

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I mean do tanks really need more hp?

Source for this? Sure it’s less of a factor in GM than any other rank but almost entirely is a very hot take. Personally I’m GM and for me fun is the only factor - I play lucio exclusively.

That’s just false. I don’t think there is a single hero in the game that cannot be one tricked up to at least GM. For most heroes much higher but if a hero is really really bad it might not get you there. I’m not sure if there has ever been a time when any hero has been that bad, thouigh. At this point in time? For sure not.

I was talking about simple nerfs, not reworking ana, it seems pointless, even though one support shouldn’t hold all this utility. She does way too much and will always be the best support hero. She can anti heal in an aoe of 4meters, boost heal in an aoe of 4 meters (can even do both anti healing and healing at the same time if the two teams are in a close fight), sleep for 5 seconds, hitscan healing from all distances, and her ult gives 50% damage and damage reduction for 8 seconds while burst healing for 250.

Comparing to baptiste: Immo field 25 seconds cooldown, 5 seconds uptime can be destroyed. Ult: 100% damage amp and healing amp but only in front of the window, so if you play outside of it, it’s useless.

the current reason people hate armor packs is how it affects dps and support health pools no one really cares about 50 more armor on a tank that has 400 or more hp.
changing it from armor to hp would give more value to the pack without countering chip damage quite as hard.
the shield changes seem mostly like a neutral change better shield but more punishable ya know.

Not really. Like I said, it’s a decent post, but the design is kinda meh.

Brig wasnt the problem, other healers like Mercy and Bap remaining underwhelming is. Power creep is real and only a few healers can keep up. Brig was also only a problem for 1% of the playerbase and remains a very poor hero (albeit balanced) everywhere else.

I’m fine with changing repair pack so it doesnt disproportionately help flankers over other chars. Make it scale with health or something. All I’m saying is the nerf isnt really needed and a different solution could be found. One that doesnt make brig the worst hero in the game by far, let alone remove her niche and what sets her apart. This is literally removing a mechanic from the game, removing utility, removing unique traits, removing synergy. Overwatch is supposed to be about synergies and unique mechanics and every hero feeling different. This doesnt exactly incentivize playing brig if she is losing yet another feature that sets her apart. Now all she does is heal, and she does it poorly. Removing utility is just about the worst thing that could happen to this game.