Fine. I'll Say It

That’s not even a buff. Its revert from a stupid decision to make her needlessly clunky to play against heroes she supposed to counter.


I lost faith in them to find a way to keep her relevant. Im pretty sure theyll leaver f tier for a long time. Thats their MO.


So…exactly what she is right now.

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shes too weak to survive a dive right. She got neft because she enable dive dps.

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Try telling that to a certain gold echo on the forums


:sunglasses: But ana is huge skill she has a snipe rifle


You’d be correct, but they’re still not reverting the thing that hurt her the most, matrix distance. Flashing matrix around obnoxiously is just gonna get her nerfed again once they tire of her.

No, this relies on the incorrect assumption that pickrate is only proportional to hero strength. Is a stronger hero usually picked more often? Yes. But you are not taking into account people also play what they think is fun. VERY important.

Brig is not generally considered to be fun in GM by a lot of people. At least a lot less than ana. So she is naturally going to have a lower pickrate. For her to still have this high of a pickrate, something is off.

Brig enables dive as much as counters it. So not really.

I don’t think that’s undisputed. But I agree on winrates not being accurate.

Yes I completely agree with everything you said about damage creep.


At the only rank where they have the coordination to execute that kind of strat. The rest of the playerbase aren’t going to be doing that as it would get tanks and their other support killed in the process.

We could also just say we feel that Genji is OP, but it’s not a very objective point to make.

However, I’ve yet to see a character with non-niche pickrate and that high winrate stay up there without getting nerfs. Brig got nerfed, Orisa got nerfed, Ashe got nerfed…


I was talking about where he said stats don’t say anything about viability. I didn’t say anything about genji being broken or not

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Tbh right now thats the only place she was “OP” (good) she is average at best in the lower ranks. So basically it evens out.

Except I’m basing my points off of GM statistics, which removes fun from the equation almost entirely.

If you play a character that’s fun in GM, but the character isn’t good in GM, then you’re not going to stay in GM.


People don’t play characters in GM just because it’s fun, it’s because they’re effective with said characters and playing something just for giggles is basically throwing.

Effectiveness is also fun, while being ineffective because you don’t know how to play your character and get to play spawn simulator not so much. But spawn simulator because your favourite character is very ineffective is also not very fun.

GM’s are the most tryhard bunch that exist, they really don’t play for fun anymore. =p


I was thinking something more like:

  • Change armor to block a flat 20% of damage
  • Adds 25 armor overheal if full HP
  • Adds 25 armor not-overheal if missing 25hp.
  • Armor converts to HP after duration.

Or maybe

  • Change armor to block a flat 20% of damage
  • Applies a 50hp burst heal, and temporarily converts 50hp to armor.
  • Does not overheal
  • Armor converts to HP after duration.

I’ll be honest if they just made it so she only added armor then she’d probably be fine. She adds heals and armor which I can see why some would complain. But if she only added armor on top of you current hp then there’d be no problem. She’s already capped at 50.

Yeah, but then maybe getting rid of the overheal is the way to go.

And make it so armor is more of a protection from ranged burst damage.

  • Change armor to block a flat 20% of damage
  • Applies a 50hp burst heal, and temporarily converts 50hp to armor.
  • Does not overheal
  • Armor converts to HP after duration.
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That might work, granted my personal problem is that they are destroying her own defenses as well. Why did the shield need to be touched at all? If anything leave it as is if THIS was their solution.

i haaaaate the sheild "buff’ because that 50 hp increase isnt nearly as much of a benefit when your sheild is on a freaking 5 second cooldown


I mean, to be honest, if they can strip out some of the annoying factors about Brig, they could make the shield stronger.

Or how about allow her to whipshot through barriers. But when it does, it only does 35 damage with no knockback.

Might be interesting if ShieldBash didn’t stun. But instead did everything a stun does, but allowed the player to still walk. Maybe with rapidly changing movement speed increases/decreases, to simulate a staggering wobbling walk.
Instead of standing still like a statue.