Finally decided to get OW with the humble bundle deal

Step 1: Find hero u like
Step 2: Find guides.

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Learn where the healthpacks are, for when the healers can’t help you. The smaller ones heal 75, the larger ones 250, and if you can keep yourself alive it frees up resources for the rest of your team

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You could even try setting up a group using the LFG system and title it something like “New Player need help learning the game” I found a group like that once and I decided to join it, I and 4 other people helped this guy learn the game a bit.

But yeah try out all the heroes and try to pick at least 1 from each role that you like 2 per role would be even better. Learn those heroes and “get good” with them. And you might in the future end up picking other heroes to main.
I started off playing almost exclusively Junkrat and Genji, then I started playing Pharah, then DVA, now I play a lot of Hanzo and Widow, but also quite a bit of Zarya, and supports. I might have played this game a little too much but at least I’m experienced in just about every role so I can fill any slot my team needs. ;w;

Pick up Brigitte or Doomfist if you want a chance to play the game, most other heroes will leave you stunlocked

lot of god advice I’d just like to add play Mystery Hero’s 6v6 and not the 1v1 duel version. It’s a great way to test all the hero’s in a very chill mode. No one expects much and if your a crappy Doomfist people won’t rage quit.

I’d also highly suggest not starting Competitive soon as you hit level 25. You can if you want but when you end up getting placed low, like sIlver or Bronze you will have an up hill climb getting out of that rank. Once an account is placed all future placements are based around your previous rank.

This means if you speed to level 25 in a weekend and maybe on your 4th day of owning Overwatch do your placements, you’ll end up silver. From there the teams are generally garbage as no one tries or has any idea what they are doing.

You have to be twice as good as your rank would assume to try and climb out of it imo.

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please try to not play competitive

comp is a like a leech, it will suck your spirit and happiness away


Have fun, don’t be afraid to try heroes, ignore any and all toxicity, use LFG, be positive.


there is a lot of negativity on the forum some of it warranted, some of it not(a lot of it from me up until recently :stuck_out_tongue: ) dont let it get to you though, otherwise find a character or two(or 6) you enjoy and have fun

ya are a nasty and a ugli meanie
op dont one trick by any means mercy.

also make sure your profile is not private if you want to be able to use stats sites like overbuff

Don’t listen to other people. The greater half of the playerbase thinks they are MLG pros and it’s not a good time.

Just play the characters you like, make friends, and have fun.

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The 2-2-2 method, try to have a good grasp on 2 heroes from each catagory, tanks, dps and support.

if the giant space dragons make you angry don’t worry you’ll get used to them

Ok gonna try to reply to everyone, thanks for the feedback! Seems like a great community haha

Thanks mate, the lack of map knowledge is letting me down so that’s a great point actually :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah the ultimates is something i’ve never encountered for in a game and I didn’t know they had sound cues so thanks again!

I had to google what filling is and I’m gonna assume this is an issue for comp games more than qp eh? But I can imagine team comp being more important when I advance. The funny thing is that i will most likely be a healer/tank main from what I’ve played so far, namely Moira and Reinhardt.

I am having fun! Yeah great tip, I’ve been trying out a few and like I said, I really enjoy support/tank right now. The only dmg character i’ve liked so far is junkrat. But I guess I have time to force myself to give some of the trickier characters a go.

I need to try out arcade mode overall haha but it’s nice knowing it can be useful for practising. Yeah I found overwatch central, your overwatch, unit lost and ragg tagg so far. I’m open to suggestions :slight_smile:

Oh thanks for that resource! greatly appreciated

Yeah the forums seems scary, bit daunting as a newcomer tbh.

I do want to play comp but I guess you’re right, if I’m not ready at lvl 25, I should keep practising.

  1. I turned that annoying thing off after one game :stuck_out_tongue:
  2. I don’t have friends but I plan on playing alone until i get my rank anyway and yes I totally agree
  3. Yeah I got destroyed by a high level Tracer, so it was a valuable lesson that this game has so much depth.
  4. Like I said, it’s scary but everyone here has been great so maybe we all aren’t so bad

So far Reinhardt, Moira, Lucio, Winston, Dva, Roadhog and Brigitte have all appealed to me :slight_smile:

LFG seems so dead at my level but I intend on using it after I do placements :slight_smile:

I suck at Doomfist so far but Brigitte seemed so easy and fun to pick up so I’ll probably play her quite a bit

Yeah that’s true, I want to play comp so I shouldn’t do placements until I’m actually confident haha

I like the idea of ranking systems and climbing so I might try it when I’m ready.

I have a feeling your words will come back to me when I start playing comp :stuck_out_tongue:

Tbh I don’t even understand why people are complaining on the forums but I probably will soon since this game is so addictive.

Tried mercy, she seemed so boring. I prefer Moira/Lucio/Brig who can at least do other things other than heal.

Didn’t even know my profile was private, guess I’ll change that.

I will have fun and I will probably only play characters i’m confident with no matter what :slight_smile:

So far I like tanks and healers but I guess I should try harder on Junkrat and some other damage hero.

Space dragons? I don’t get it haha

Thanks everyone for being so welcoming, I will probably post my progress in the future!

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Fixed that for you…

I might be, but I speak the truth

Hello Vegan and welcome to Overwatch and welcome to the Overwatch forums. Most of the advice here is very sound. As a bit of shameless plug, if you are looking to make sure you enjoy Overwatch with minimal technical issue and the best possible FPS, I maintain a guide in the technical support forum that is worth a read if you have time.

In the unlikely event that you should find yourself having severe technical issues be sure to post in the technical support forum, players like myself will try to lend a hand there. Cheers! (^^)v


Why? I always keep skirmish on.

KarQ tips for every hero series, Skyline and ioStux all make general and well made guides that I would highly recommend.
And if your interested you can search for hero specific vod reviews.

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Learn the layout of quickplay/competitive maps in a custom game, because there are so many maps in the game now it will take ages to learn them all. Learn what each heroes ultimate sounds like, because its VERY important. (Allied Bastion,Reinhardt and Torbjorn’s do not have voice lines!)