Finally a reference from the novel in game

I noticed that in Paraiso there is a poster about the Tonal Abyss, the Omnic musical group mentioned in the hero of numbani! :heart:

It is a detail that I feel is important to highlight as pleasant for those who want to know more about Ow’s lore. I would like to see in Numbani new visual updates regarding the novel, (an ad for Junies do Efi?) or even the small corners at route 66 that talk about the book Deadlock rebels (I don’t know, the name of Frankie on one of the PC of the deadlock refuge or the Arbalest logo in one of the crates stolen by the gang).


There’s also an interaction between Lucio and Orisa that mentions Naade and Hassana - Efi’s two best friends.


finally we are getting some crumbs

And Cassidy that mentions Bars when he kills someone from a distance is really nice too!


Ashe and Cassidy have an entire interaction about Bars (they discuss whether she would shoot Cassidy if the gang saw him again).