Feels like im playing the same 12 maps in a row plz fixz

Getting really bored of playing the same maps


on paper there are enough maps, in reality i get havana, kings row & ilios over & over again. don‘t know what‘s up with that rotation :thinking:.

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So you’re the person who’s been stealing all of my kings row games?


In 15 placement games I got 5x Hanamura, 3x Volskaya and some control maps. I have barely seen a payload and no King’s Row at all. I haven’t done the math but that doesn’t feel very random to me. :joy:


Nepal and route 66 %90 of the time I swear. Give me king’s row every game and I’ll be happy…

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Why is this going on again? Did they take out more than half the maps for some reason? I must have missed some news.

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Beat me to it. As a WB main I was relieved to see it on the list as my #1 fav payload map and I’ve seen it like once and am perma stuck on Koth maps and Route 66.

I kinda assumed when they implemented limited maps that would also improve on the rotation.

not a happy camper.

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I think the 2cp maps have been very dominant in the rotations. gotten like 7-8 2CP out of a 10 games

From this season onwards there is a map rotation.
3 maps of each game type for the season.

  • Assault : Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries
  • Hybrid : Hollywood, King’s Row, Eichenwalde
  • Control : Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Busan
  • Escort : Dorado, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Havana

Also each season is 8 weeks & starts first thursday of every 2nd month from memory

I gotta say, I’ve had a huge amount of Assault and Control maps. Medium amount of Hybrid’s and a very small amount of Escort maps. On top of that, I don’t think I’ve played Dorado 1 time this entire season.

… why would they do this? It’s much MUCH less fun playing the same few maps over and over. They create a lot of maps and then remove half of them on purpose for no reason? I thought maybe they were fixing up the maps for rerelease.

Well, I hope they know that this new idea really gets old fast.


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30+ games (only) so far for me and already, i am playing too much Control / KotH for me. I get it like once out of every 3 games. Hate it with a vengeance.

Have only done King’s Row once.

imho, Map Rotation is (=.=") for me.

do u like corridors row? =)))

I think limiting the maps is their way of driving the narrative that you need practice on the same hero, same map to progress. Personally, don’t buy it.

It’s pretty much the only map I can play widow and rein without throwing so yeah lol

Hahahahah it took 9 posts before we got to RTFM.

Why don’t people read the patch notes?