[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Uhhh, mk, let’s talk about Mercy. Uhhhhh, I like her wings! They’re pretty and they glow. :>

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Especially in Valkyrie. They make her even more visible and even bigger of a target than she already is :>>>

If we reach the post limit, at least we’ll attract the attention for the creation of a new megathread. Maybe the necessity of a new megathread will catch the attention of the higher-ups? But still, there are a lot of megathreads behind us.

I don’t think Mercy’s hitbox changes in Valkyrie. Still, it’s been a while…

Bahaha, true. xD

Pretty much, who knows what’ll happen. Will they keep it closed? Will they make a new one? It’s like a soap opera.

This Forum Must be the work of an Enemy Stand.

The other healers needed their buffs but Mercy didn’t need a healing nerf. The other healers have more damage capabilities Mercy cant unless she completely stops healing. So, nerfing a healer who’s entire kit is based on solely healing breaks the character build. The problem is Rez. I have changed my opinion on Rez. I used to feel that Rez defined Mercy, but it doesn’t. Healing DOES. Mass heals to counter DPS who do mass damage. Honestly, Rez needs to go and be replaced with a new ability. Maybe she should be able to grant temporary invulerability to stunning/hacking, anti-nade, or critical damage. I feel like an ability like that would require some skill with timing and game sense while solving an issue people are having problems with. Maybe Valk should grant a small amount of damage reduction with a shorter time duration?

As a support main, I didn’t like the OP Mercy but I felt she was in a good space before this healing nerf but the other healers needed the buffs. My opinion is, she’s NOT fun to play at the moment. Her mid-fight contibution is boring. She can’t heal through anything anymore. Not even Winston. I’m just sad about it, honestly. There has to be a better solution


Gimme rez ultimate back with los tweaks and maybe ult charge nerfs. Also no invincibility, forgot about that.

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Wow it’s almost at 20k and still no feedback being read!!

Revert to mass res and give tweaks, done.

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It’s funny how exactly those character I main (being Symmetra and Mercy) were broken and made unplayable.

Honestly, a good counter to ultimate spamming would be excellent for the game right now. We wouldn’t need nerfs to Damage Boost in regards to Ultimate boosting, because Mercy would counter combos pretty well.

After all, Nano Blade burns through Lucio shields and Zen Trans. Mass Res would be great to deal with that spam ultimate bs. Our last meta was “Farm and Press Q to win”, and who knows when it comes back; Ults in Overwatch are very strong and the combos have little counter play.


I think the best we could get is a return of mass rez in a rework.

cuz then we can bring over the few qol things 2.0 brought with it.

this is likely to happen after bastions rework as theres not really many more “throw pick” heros left.

It’s not funny, it’s pretty frustrating. If i was a fan of Symmetra or Torbjorn, i would abandon this game pretty quickly.

Behold my stand.『DEAD MAN WALKING』ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
Your Mercy has already been flanked.

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You shout it out
but I can’t hear a word you say
I’m talking loud…
Not saying much

I’m criticized
But all your bullets ricochet

Hanzo’s, as weird as it seems, will need a rework. His reworked kit is overloaded to hell. Destroying his numbers will lead to another Mercy situation. “Overpowered kit with no weaknesses is watered down to hell until every ability feels weak and useless” is sadly familiar to post-rework Mercy players.

Torb’s gonna be reworked, which is good because he is a complete throw pick, as i advise people to lay off him for the time being, as even if he can work in a situation or two, anyone else will be miles better.

Bastion, let’s be honest, has a terrible ability design. I find it pretty troubling overall, his kit as it is i think it cannot be balanced correctly. He was my first main though, i kind of like him, but i feel like there is no hope for him as is. Will need a rework of massive proportions that will essentially create a new hero, if we even hope for him to be balanced.

Mercy needs a rework, be it a revert or anything.

Doomfist has a poorly thought-out design, but he works now. In an ideal world, a rework would be nice. But i think Blizzard will mess it up, so leave him as be.

I think that’s about it.

and he is gonna be OPAF

I look forward to that day. Imagine Torbjorn being a viable, meta DPS!


LMFAOOOO, just imagine o_o

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