You’re mixing OP with strong ability… they’re still have to be set to limits they shouldn’t be “over powered”…
Ultimates are all OP though. O-o
ok… I’m too tired to argue with your definition of OP and with what you’re comparing it with.
Not an argument, it’s a discussion.
And an off-track one since we’re supposed to be discussing Mercy.
Mercy sucks now. Lawl.
Pls revert to 1.0
I wonder why the devs don’t reply.
Because they are not obliged to reply to you?
You know, you used to be much nicer. And playful. Or was that another Reaper? If not, what happened? Why are you so angry?
You misunderstood my statement.
No, It’s just that I don’t care about sarcasm.
Okay? it wasn’t directed towards you yet you felt the need to reply with something completely irrelevant to what I’m implying to. neat.
If you two are going to argue, please go to another thread. XP
I’ll stay here thank you very much for your suggestion though.
This isn’t your thread to argue in. Go make a soap opera elsewhere; where we’re not trying to discuss why Mercy is a terrible character right now.
What you’re doing is considered spam. Thank ya kindly.
Too busy with OWL I imagine.
EDIT: The flags are back to haunt the thread again. I guess you initially dragging it off-topic was the reason why.
I am free to reply to whoever I want, this is a PUBLIC forum.
Then you’d be contributing to Off Topic and instigating unrest in the forums.
Which is against CoC. XP
Edit: Wow, thanks for helping get it closed again.
Off Topic/Trolling.
Opting to keep contributing to an argument, instigating unrest and being unconstructive in the forums.
But yes of course, we’re Trolling, in a thread made for us to discuss our favourite hero, because we just want soooo much for this thread to be locked.
Still relevant to the topic of Mercy. I mean, kinda have the name XP.
Wait, does that mean whatever I say is relevant to Mercy? Hmm… Requires further testing. Also, we used to be friends, I believe. On the old forums. It isn’t trolling, but it is a tad off topic. But I suppose this one post asking about the well-being of my friend got the entire thread closed as opposed to your countless insulting/unrest inciting posts. XP
Well, he was right. He can respond to whoever he likes. Welcome to America! XP
Also, he got suspended, so it wouldn’t really do much good to tell him to stop… not like he’ll exactly agree to.
I don’t. A good 90% of his posts were extremely toxic and rude to others.
aren’t the above users contributing to it right now?
Edit: I’m assuming you guys trolling is the reason why.
I never insulted anyone, nor was that my goal… I was replied with a completely irrelevant statement to what I’m saying and apparently since I replied to it I got everyone off on me for some weird reason, through out my whole commenting on here I actually did my best to stay on topic and spoke only about the Mercy issue, the person that sparked an off-topic comment was completely given a pass and you guys went off on me. weird.
I never said otherwise but going by that logic I also do have the right to respond back, which obviously part of you didn’t appreciate that and again went off on me rather than them, correct? but I sorta understand why now.
RIP for getting silenced though that sucks, hopefully it’s just a one day not something too extreme. I actually enjoy reading his edgy comments.
I think it’s best to end it here I feel like we’re gonna be next, have a good day.
This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.
This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.
First. Lets see how long it lasts this time