[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I thought so too… We can just imagine

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I’m thinking that’s the case and I’m SCREAMING

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Omg imagine? It would all come full circle

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It’ll be a nerf!

(I really hope it’s not but knowing how Blizz likes to poke corpses…)

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I’d prefer tea but I appreciate the offer <3

Don’t get too excited… it might be a trap

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They had to give her invincibility because every time she went for the rez, she’d end up dying just to try and get it off.

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Here :tea: , and also this <3

Just a suggestion, need your thoughts mercy mains… I’m fine with this nerf, except teammates aren’t always gonna be there for you, no matter how much you are there for them… so why not have a Caudaceus (whatever it’s called) blaster that can shoot through Deflecting/shields/ and other entities aside from map props. Because in lore mercy is a brilliant scientist, plus, if Genji were to go against her, you would think she would be smart enough to have the idea to make a fail-safe or catalyst for a possible encounter like that, you know? lol that’s just me though.

Honestly, I’m bracing for it :sweat_smile:

Well this is exciting.

I love Titanium’s idea - Pacify sounds great, yes please!

If they don’t wanna do that, how about taking rez off of E, giving her some other midfight ability (pacify anyone, or else some kind of cleanse ability? Something offensive to make her more versatile since they nerfed her healing, the ONLY thing she’s supposed to be good at?)
And then her ult allows her one, INSTANT, rez. Just one. Just during ult. Can have some combo of rez/valk, something of that ilk. NO E REZ OUTSIDE OF ULT. BURN THAT THING IN HELL AND GIVE ME MY HEALING BACK. And no mass rez; as much as I would love it, it gets too many panties in a twist. Just gimme some flow and purpose back :frowning:

I wish this wasn’t my suggestion, but I just want her back at this point. Her latest nerf has completely killed her fun for me. All I want to do is heal, and now I can’t even do that properly. I feel like I’m drowning in damage and I can never do enough, and there is literally no other support I can offer. It feels AWFUL when I’m the last one left alive, darting between dead souls I was unable to save as I try to survive till my team gets back.

That 50/hps hit hard. Moira and Ana run rings around the healing I can dish out, and can do so much more besides. Lucio essentially gets my ult every 12 seconds with his amp it up. He heals just by existing and can deal damage besides. Why am I punished for just liking a character and wanting to heal? :frowning:


The Genji idea is really interesting lore wise, but she’s a pacifist and shouldn’t have any focus shifted towards her own offensive capabilities. Although that Genji thing is pretty sick


Tbh i don’t like Battle Mercy at all, i understand she needs a self-defense weapon but with her re-work it encourages her to go kill enemies already. I personally wish they would stay with her pacifist self.

I’ve got an idea for a change to ultimate rez what if for every 100 damage you boost between your ultimates the players you rez get a 0.1%damage boost for like 10 seconds this would reward players who know when to damage boost and heal while still being impactful if you can’t damage boost that match

This is my first and possibly only post in the Overwatch Forums, and I’m only here because, as a Mercy main, I don’t like seeing her in this horrible, unfun state. I will not doubt that she is balanced when compared to other supports, but she, at least in my opinion, is the most boring of them all as she is. Mercy deserves a revert to Resurrect as an ultimate ability, with some tweaks that Titanium has brought to our attention to both make her fun to play and balanced. <3


Yeah, she needed something so she didn’t sacrifice herself. Invincibility was a little too much, should of added damage reduction.

Well, because she’s a healer, not a fighter. Its in her kit and lore (she USED to have good healing because she deals no damage, unlike Lucio or Ana that can attack enemies as well as heal). She has a pistol so she can do something against enemies and not be completely useless when alone, but she’s about helping others.


I’m happy to see more new people post on the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Please bring justice to Mercy, my favorite Hero :slight_smile:

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mercy really needs dual wield as an E, i agree with Titanium’s ideas but this is where i draw the line

let. her. fight.