[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Hmm… Guess it’s become potato quality because of negligence.

another q idea: jeff kaplan becomes disappointed in you

Hey my friend, good to see you🤗

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Wouldn’t be too upsetting to me.

Bro: So who’s the head for OW again.

Me: Kaplan

Bro: I am SO sorry for you .


oh wait it’s starting to catch up just changed to 18.3k

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Good, now we are even.

So like… how is everyone? This is the longest the threads ever been open idrk what to do.

How do I quote images…

Oh well I’ve got time apparently…

So I’ll say this resurrect is not core to Mercy IMO it is the power that due to its naturally inconsistent value makes sense to be placed on character that is otherwise very consistent and making Rez the Ultimate creates a unique juxtaposition to the otherwise consistent gameplay that creates variability that a player can use to vary their style of play.


And hey, just wait it out, it will be closed again and then you post it👌

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I’m honestly hoping for more nerfs to Mercy, the kind that will bring her pick-rate down to 0.2% and her win-rate down to below 40%… And then I’d want it to stay like that for maybe 4 months or so. After that maybe the community is ready to accept some changes to Mercy, and hopefully (and I know this is a lot to ask for Blizzard since they don’t prioritize fun) Blizzard takes the opportunity to make Mercy fun again along with the changes.

I’m doing great. Now I can finally kill this revolting thread that segregated us Mercy mains for months.


All i ask is this, please help mercy she needs it and im not even a mercy main i just know that i never see her in any of my games anymore only ana or moira with a lucio or zenyatta mercys obviously got something wrong with her kit please help. :frowning:


Blizzard: “We aren’t silencing you! Here, take your megathread back, just stop bothering us!”
Us: “Can we get Mercy back?”
Blizzard: “Nevermind, we are locking it up. Also, we are Nerfing Guardian Angel!”



#deleteresandgiveherbackher60hps. #giveheranabilitytohealanyteammatetofull #deletemothmode


I’m such a noob to internet forums :sob:

I think they should raze her to the ground, and start again with a fresh slate after 4 months of a Merciless game.

Good thing I can Moira & Lucio because any of the one or two remaining one tricks are not going to have hero to play but I’m sure they can adapt!


You lost me there dude.


This might be a crazy idea but, can we make resurrect earnable and maybe not having it be a self stun


That’s just how lost we are even I don’t recognize this ability as a part of Mercy anymore. :sob:

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Idk it has a place on mercy.

just as an ultimate.

that’s actually properly balanced.